Newly diagnosed

LeisaC Member Posts: 36
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Hi Everyone,

I'm a new new diagnose's! I found out on Friday 14 November 2014 at 11.00am that I had breast cancer. 

I will be seeing a surgeon on Monday afternoon, don't know what to expect or what is going to happen but I am really scared. My sister is coming with me to the appointment. 

Thanks for listening

Leisa :)



  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to the group.... I know it is really scary at the moment but know that there are a lot of ladies who have been exactly where you are and are here to support you ... You are not alone.

    You will feel a bit like you are on a roller coaster and it can be very confronting to work through all the information. Make sure you ask lots of questions so that you fully understand your diagnosis and your treatment options.

    Come back here often - you will always be able to find information and someone that has been where you are - I found it very comforting to know there was someone else who knew exactly how I was feeling or who had been where I was. This site was my lifeline

    Good luck on Monday and stay in touch.

    Sending big hugs

  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to the group.... I know it is really scary at the moment but know that there are a lot of ladies who have been exactly where you are and are here to support you ... You are not alone.

    You will feel a bit like you are on a roller coaster and it can be very confronting to work through all the information. Make sure you ask lots of questions so that you fully understand your diagnosis and your treatment options.

    Come back here often - you will always be able to find information and someone that has been where you are - I found it very comforting to know there was someone else who knew exactly how I was feeling or who had been where I was. This site was my lifeline

    Good luck on Monday and stay in touch.

    Sending big hugs

  • LeisaC
    LeisaC Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2015

    Hi Summer,


    Thanks for the kind words and support, I certainly will be making sure I touch base with this absolutely wonderful group.  It will be a huge day for me tomorrow as the appointment isn't until 5pm so I've got all day to get through, but I'm going to make sure that I keep myself busy.  My sister is younger than me but she has been wonderful and I've asked her to take notes and ask questions cause I know that I will probably just sit there like a bump on a log.

    Thanks once again Summer

    Kindest regards

    Leisa :)

  • LeisaC
    LeisaC Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2015

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the words and yes I think it has been a rollercoaster as I don't think I've come to terms with it all yet.


    I'll definitely keep in touch with you and anyone else who wishes to talk to me.


    Thanks for the hugs I think I'll be needing them

    Leisa :)

  • LeisaC
    LeisaC Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2015

    Hi Miss Lizzie,

    Yeah I'm scared of the unknown, fingers crossed for you on the outcome of treatment.  I think I'm just going day by day at the moment the reality hasn't hit me I think.

    I'll definitely watch this space to see how you are going and I'll let you know how I got on.


    Take care Lizzie


    Leisa :)

  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    edited March 2015
    Hi again

    I officially got my diagnosis on 3rd may this year - it feels like a lifetime ago.... But it does get easier - one step at a time and bit by bit -

    I was lucky and avoided chemo - however now after 4 surgeries and probably 4 more to go to complete my recon it is still not an easy path.

    Connecting with people who understand exactly how you are feeling does make a big difference - I have two family members and several friends who have faced BC but nothing is really the same as knowing exactly what it is like... I didn't understand that until my diagnosis.

    You will always find that here..

    Chris xx
  • LeisaC
    LeisaC Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2015

    Hi Chris,

    I'm kind of glad that I found this site and joined now, it's a relief to hear from other ladies that have or are going through BC.  4 surgeries and 4 more to go wow you are a brave lady.  I only know 1 person who has had BC, she is a year or so cancer free,  but like you've said I too didn't understand fully what it meant or anything until last Friday.

    Thanks and good luck with your surgeries


    Leisa xxx

  • Juli
    Juli Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2015
    Hi Leisa, I was just reading your post and the replies. I had to check my calander, I was diagnosed 2 weeks and 3 days ago. Wow have been through so much. And taking each step at a time is the way to go.
    I think having your sister with you is a good idea.

    I am just new at this whole thing.

    Good luck. Juli x
  • Juli
    Juli Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2015
    Hi Leisa, I was just reading your post and the replies. I had to check my calander, I was diagnosed 2 weeks and 3 days ago. Wow have been through so much. And taking each step at a time is the way to go.
    I think having your sister with you is a good idea.

    I am just new at this whole thing.

    Good luck. Juli x
  • LeisaC
    LeisaC Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2015

    Hi Juli,

    It's good to hear from a newbie as well, yeah I'm trying to do step by step but I think I'm also struggling to come to terms with what has happened.. I'm starting to do the "why me" thing and the "what did I do to deserve this".  This is only a recent questioning.  Well today is the day that I see the surgeon and find out exactly what is installed for me.

    Good Luck to you Juli let me know how your going

    Leisa xxx

  • LeisaC
    LeisaC Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2015

    Hi Gen,

    I saw the surgeon this afternoon, was quite funny as he asked me how did I find the lump or something along that line as I was telling him he was reading the form you fill out and said you don't have private insurance which I replied "no" he asked why did my GP send me to him, I said that it was going to be a week to 2 weeks before I got an appointment at the hospital.  The surgeon said that's pretty good and I should really be going to them, my sister said that my GP thought he might be able to get me in quicker to the hospital.

    So he examined me and told me that I'd probably be looking at a full mastectomy, I also asked him to explain the whole BC thing.  He was really good and went through all the things which for the life of me I can't remember, hahaha.  I do remember that I wouldn't know if I was going to have to have chemo until I had the tumor removed and pathology had been done.

    It's kind of the rollercoaster thing happening as I asked my husband " what did I do wrong to get this" it's not fair.

    Take care Gen


    Leisa xx

  • gen_evievy
    gen_evievy Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2015

    Hi Leisa,

    Sounds like your GP is all over it, it's great that you got in so quickly to see a surgeon - this waiting and not knowing part of the process is really difficult.  Just as a side point, I didn't have private health insurance either and have been entirely through the public system (St Vincent's in Melbourne) and it has been an incredible experience.  I've never come across such amazing kindness and care, and there was no waiting times at all really, it all happened in a total whirlwind.

    I guess just take as much time as you can to process the information your surgeon has given you so that you can come to terms a little bit with what's happening - I know it sounds easy enough to say but it will happen.  My GP told me that I would be in a state of shock for about a month after I first found out, and she was right - it really didn't start to sink in with me until after surgery had already happened.  I couldn't even say the words 'breast cancer' out loud for a couple of months without bursting into tears. 

    I know it's easy for me to say this, but please try not to get into your head too much about why this has happened to you.  I totally understand how unfair it all feels to have to face something as huge as this but you will be sabotaging yourself before you even begin if you try and answer such an unanswerable question.  Breast cancer doesn't discriminate.  Just focus on getting through the next 24 hours at a time and facing each challenge as it comes the best you can.  Believe me when I tell you that you will find strength within yourself that you never even knew existed.

    Take care of YOU.  And keep us posted on how you're going with everything.



  • LeisaC
    LeisaC Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2015

    Hi Gen,

    I'm waiting now for an appointment with the Gold Coast Hospital to find out what is happening.

    At the moment I'm riding the Rollercoaster and the Pity Train at the moment.  I'm feeling all screwed up with my emotions I don't know what I want to do I just want it over and finished.  My GP has been fantastic since last Friday.

    I have no trouble blurting out I've got Breast Cancer but now it's starting to get hard as I think it maybe finally sinking in.  As I'm normally working 5 days a week and wear a uniform today I cracked it cause I can't at the moment fit into clothes as I've put on weight due to me not making healthy food choices but that's a whole other tangent.  So I consequently went out and brought some clothes just so I've got something to wear around the house. 

    My store manager and department manager have been so terrific and have made a pact with me to make sure that I either ring them every couple of days to let them know how I'm doing or they'll keep in contact with me and if I need anything and they said anything at all to let them know. 

    I want to cry but can't seem to cry, will be going to see my GP tomorrow and let him know what is happening and how I'm feeling.

    Thanks for the chat and I'm enjoying it.



    Leisa xxxx

  • Juli
    Juli Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2015
    Gen you have said all that very well. I totally agree with you.

    We will find strength. And we must look after our selves, BC does not discriminate, there is some times no reason why, it just is. Positive thoughts. And hugs xx

  • Juli
    Juli Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2015
    Leisa, here here. Big hugs to you.