Sydney East Cancer Group

Wanting to announce a new online Facebook cancer support group has been set up to enable patients who live in the Sydney East (NSW Australia) area to connect with others.
The aim of the group is to enable cancer patients and others touched by cancer, who live or travel to the Sydney East (NSW, Australia) area to connect.
Many of us have had breast cancer.
This group will enable members to chat, meet others, support each other, arrange get togethers, share information and keep in the loop with what's happening.
We have already held get togethers in 2010 and 2011 at local indoor and outdoor cafes, with further get togethers planned.
A Forum for Meeting Specific Cancer Patients
As numbers grow hopefully any member who wishes to arrange face to face meeting with particular types of members will be able to do so. This could be done simply by posting in the Facbeook group or sending an email to the topica list seeking interest. Examples could include:
* A parent wanting a play date with other parents
* Someone off work wishing to meet up with others available during the day
* A person working through treatment wishing to meet up with similar others
* Someone wishing to meet with others who have a similar cancer