Feeling let down by friends
Did/is anyone else struggling to deal with friends and/or your partner who weren't there for you in the way you expected them to be when you were going through treatment? Im having trouble not feeling hurt and so alone in the hardest phase of my life. Im also internalising (not sure if thats the right way to put it) a lot of anger towards these “friends” that it is having a very negative effect on me, but i just cant move past it. Particularly because i know i was there for many of them during their hard times.187Views0likes13CommentsMy marriage needs counselling
I'm 2 years NED. I'm one of "the lucky ones" whereby I feel absolutely fantastic physically despite my medications which consist of Femara and monthly Zoladex injections. However, mentally, I fell down hard with possible depression, anxiety and ptsd. I sought professional help early in "my journey", but fired my psychologist week 4 as she told me I was "a very challenging case" and I felt I was not given any help with my situation at all. I have never taken anti-depressants. Anyway, fast forward to today and I honestly feel like "the dark clouds" have lifted...just like that. YAY!!! I know I will always suffer scanxiety...but my mind most certainly feels clearer. HOWEVER, my marriage has suffered. My husband is the love of my life, but he has never been a good communicator when "the shit hits the fan"...hence cancer talk, depression talk etc etc has always been off limits.I have always tried to talk openly about "how Im travelling" but he has always put the wall up...maybe thats his coping mechanism..but this has left me feeling very isolated and misunderstood...and our marriage has suffered. We have had "the talk" and want to move forward together from this point carrying ALL OUR EXCESS BAGGAGE. My question is...do we seek marriage counselling, or is it cancer counselling, do we go together for help...or just him or just me? Where do we start???201Views0likes3CommentsFidelity
I have just found out that my husband has had an affair. It started 6mths after I finished treatment and has finished now. My libido and intimacy post surgery made sex fell like a chore and he knew it. I was emotionally unavailable and trying to find my "new normal". Not excusing his actions, he has made the wrong choices and has taken full responsibility for is actions but how many other woman have fidelity issues with there partners after BC.201Views0likes11Comments