Overseas visitors staying during radiation
I am new here so hello everyone. I have had a mastectomy and a week later had my lymph nodes removed. I start chemo on the 10th of sept for 16 weeks then soon after that I begin radiation for 5 weeks. During that 5 weeks I have a cousin and her hubby coming from America. Am I going to be up to having them stay. I’m the…
Radiation and lupus?
I have SLE lupus.How will having radiation therapy affect my lupus?
Moo goo cream for radiation.
Received a big bottle of Moo goo cream for Christmas and when I started chemo received a gift from the chemo company which included a tube of the same cream. I was given Sorbelene by the radiotherapy nurse but I found the thick consistency of it unpleasant to smear over my breast. So I used up all my moo goo which had the…
Immunity Boosters
@Flaneuse @viking1 @arpie I thought this topic deserved its own thread! A discussion on another thread has got me thinking about my immune system as well as the characters above. I've been concentrating on my gut as research is increasingly showing that gut health rules the health of so many other areas of the body,…
Media call-out: The Age looking for a Melbourne woman with radiotherapy tattoos
Hi there, Online Network! A journalist from The Age is looking to interview a woman in Melbourne who has had radiotherapy and therefore had radiotherapy tattoos. It's for an article about a new process at the Alfred Hospital where radiotherapy can be carried out without the need for tattooed markings. If you're interested,…