anybody out there?
hey everyone, I actually tried to post something last night but realised I had added to comment to The PErth Women's group. So sorry about that. I thought I would try again. I am 46 have had a recent mastectomy and will start chemo in January. I have a 4 year son and worry about how he is going. I would love to connect…
reflection & where to now?
Hello my fellow pink sisters! I hope you are all smiling and laughing- well as much as you can be! Its been a long time so I am going to write a long blog today so apologies! I finally finished 12 months of herceptin 6 weeks ago! yay!!!!!!!! but im back there next week to get my port flushed! bbooooo! how long did people…
Hi all...really don't know wat to say...the last 3/4 weeks have been a blur - from diagnosis to masectomy and home again....back to see surgeon 2moro for patho results....scared stiff...Hubbie Greg has been WONDERFUL - taking me back to hospital for drain checks, cooking, cleaning and just being there wen i need a cry.…
new to site
this is my first post, have been reading some of the posts,you are all so supportive. this is my second diagnoses of cancer in 7 years and i did not realise this wonderful site was here, have just been trying to get by. i have had a masectomy and diep flap surgery and am now having chemo, have been having a few side…
Will you ever feel normal again? YES!
For anyone wondering whether they'll ever feel normal again... Found a lump in January this year; mastectomy in March; diagnosed grade 3, stage 3 (tumour 65mm); chemo (8 sessions, April-August); radiotherapy (5 weeks, finished 01october). Tomorrow: running 10km in the Race4Life here in Adelaide!