sandyst Member Posts: 32
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Hi all...really don't know wat to say...the last 3/4 weeks have been a blur - from diagnosis to masectomy and home again....back to see surgeon 2moro for patho results....scared stiff...Hubbie Greg has been WONDERFUL - taking me back to hospital for drain checks, cooking, cleaning and just being there wen i need a cry. don't know how he is being so strong....I'm worried about follow up treatment cos he has to get back to work - he's our income...just too many things to worry about........will let you know how we go 2moro....




  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sandy


    Yes, hubbies are just fantastic. They step up to the plate, when things need to be done. It's great that your hubby Greg, has been helping out.

    Just take it easy after surgery. And try not to worry about things. I know its hard, but you getting better and recovering after surgery, is more important.

    Other things will always work out... so don't stress.

    Yes, we all have that emotional roller coaster ride. One day we feel okay, and the other days not so good. It's all acceptable and normal. So just let it out on how you feel..... its all part of the healing process. I, to have done many crying days/nites. We all wonder - why me? But, just think that now you have had the surgery and are on the process of getting better.

    Hope all goes well with your results today, please keep us posted.

    Sending good vibes for today, luv Julie XX

  • sandyst
    sandyst Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Jenn and Julie for your support....lovely to hear from you....WELL, the results today were very encouraging.............13 lymph nodes removed and NONE had cancer in them......didn't see the actual surgeon who did the op but his female offsider, who was there at surgery, told me that I wouldn't need chemo but medication - tamoxifen...........have another appointment with them next week (their big pow-wow, surgeon, oncologist etc, was cancelled this morning so they'll get together soon and discuss me) then we'll go from there......We couldn't get over the news - of course I was convinced I would be having the whole gamit but I realise I still have a long haul in front of me.
    (Got my stitches out today too but still one drain in). Sooooo, hope everyone else is feeling the best they can today...........Lotsa luv and good wishes, Sandy
  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2015
    Great news Sandy :-)

    Hope you get your plan in place soon. It sounds like it was caught early which is great.

    Regards Jenn
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sandy,

    Just wanted to pop in and say welcome to the online network - It looks like you have already found your way around and connected with some of the amazing and supportive women here. Good luck with your next appointments and recovery from surgery.

    If you need a hand finding your way around - just shout!

    ~ Daina.

  • sandyst
    sandyst Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Daina....yeah, have found my way round the blog lovely to connect with ladies who are actually going thru this roller-coaster ride too. Quiet day day at home today - hospital check-up for drain 2moro. Hopefully only another week for that. Kelly (daughter) and Leah (5 yo grand-daughter) will be down from the coast 2moro, so looking forward to seeing them. Thanks for the support....Sandy
  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sandy, what great news and a big relief for you. Now you will find out the treatment ahead and hopefully, "Just a walk in the park" for you.
    Keep positive and so glad no chemo or radiation for you, yippee
    Keep us posted, luv Julie xx
  • sandyst
    sandyst Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2015

    Well the physio appt went well.....BUT the surgeon/registrar appt this morning turned our world up-side we were thinking they were happy with the surgery and follow-up treatment of medication only - was told NO chemo or radiation - but this morning was told I'll be having both + medication. Plus they need to do an MRI on the other breast - just to make sure!!!!! Can't believe we were told the other news and believed it for two weeks..............Now to get our heads around this other news.......We see the oncologist next Tuesday, so we'll see were we go from there..........Take gentle care....Sandy

  • sandyst
    sandyst Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2015

    Well the physio appt went well.....BUT the surgeon/registrar appt this morning turned our world up-side we were thinking they were happy with the surgery and follow-up treatment of medication only - was told NO chemo or radiation - but this morning was told I'll be having both + medication. Plus they need to do an MRI on the other breast - just to make sure!!!!! Can't believe we were told the other news and believed it for two weeks..............Now to get our heads around this other news.......We see the oncologist next Tuesday, so we'll see were we go from there..........Take gentle care....Sandy

  • sandyst
    sandyst Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2015

    Well the physio appt went well.....BUT the surgeon/registrar appt this morning turned our world up-side we were thinking they were happy with the surgery and follow-up treatment of medication only - was told NO chemo or radiation - but this morning was told I'll be having both + medication. Plus they need to do an MRI on the other breast - just to make sure!!!!! Can't believe we were told the other news and believed it for two weeks..............Now to get our heads around this other news.......We see the oncologist next Tuesday, so we'll see were we go from there..........Take gentle care....Sandy

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2015
    Sandy, so sorry to hear the plan changed for you. I am out the other end of chemo and while those months were not great I feel like I'm on the mend.

    I'm sorry you are going through this... I am sure your doctors and nurses will look after you well.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    I just wanted to wish you luck for your first Chemo tomorrow and maybe while you are waiting you could see how some members have found a 'funny' side to Chemo: - You know your on chemo when:

    Cheers, Daina