Well what a month it has been, life is full of surprises! Around the middle of June I noticed I was becoming short of breath initially I put this down to lack of attendance at the gym and general laziness. It then got to the point when I thought that it could be more than lack of fitness, so I took myself of to the local…
Hello to all my pink comrades...yesterday marked 2 years since original diagnosis (mammogram). At the time we thought "ok, cut the crook boob off, get onto this chemo thing and return to normal life in a few months" However, a further 6 weeks down the trail and we discover secondaries in the lungs :( No return to normal…
Hi all, On the request of my friend, I am looking for survival stories. On March 30th, 2011 my friend Kimberly had a routine mammogram which came back negative. Three weeks later she did a self check and found a lump. A week after that she was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer....three weeks after that, Stage four…
Well I am new to this blog, but will give it a go. Things are happening fast - last week had Mammogram and Breast Ultrasound, and they did a core biopsy as well. Suspicious area shown, treating as breast cancer. Now to see Surgeon in a day or so to find out when the surgery is to happen.
Hi All and Happy New Year. Unfortunately I am unable to make coffee this morning. The owners of the company I work with are away and I am having to do extra hours for a couple of weeks. Originally I was to have this week off completely. So I will catch up with you all in Feb, please keep me informed. Good news from me is…