BCNA calling out the government - failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is calling out the government for failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination while showcasing its new genomics framework. Cancer Australia launched the National Framework for Genomics in Cancer Control this morning, which aims to integrate genomics into routine cancer…
TPD Claim
Just wondering if anyone on here has successfully claimed TPD insurance for Early Breast Cancer? Surgery x2/Chemo/Radiation, post treatment medication and more surgery needed next year. I am physically and mentally unable to return to past job. I am not saying I will never work again; but I am unable to return to any work…
Public vs private cost info
Hi everyone :) I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Dec 7 and had a lumpectomy through a private hospital on the 15th. It all happened very fast and I am new to Australia so was trying to get my head around the system, Medicare etc. I do have health insurance but I've been a bit surprised at the amount of out of pocket…
Metastatic Mess: Self employed, no super, life or income protection, expired health insurance
Firstly, I hope everyone is feeling the best they can, and keeping positive... or doing whatever works for you if you're sick of people always saying "be positive" :) I feel really silly (and irresponsible) finding myself in this situation of being self-employed, with no super, life/income protection, and to top it…
What a time to find out you're not covered by HBF! And can I save my nipple?
I was diagnosed just over a week ago. Amid all the shock, at least in the back of my mind I thought, at least I'm covered with HBF. It was only when I was sitting in the office at the private hospital that the receptionist told me my HBF card wasn't working and I called them and they told me they cancelled my policy in May…
Recommendations for private health insurer for reconstruction surgery
Hi, I have not had private health insurance before and bit confused with it all. I was after some recommendations for PH insurance providers for when I proceed with my recon surgery.
Public or Private (please help!!)
After diagnosis of High Grade DCIS with Mastectomy required. My husband and I are both on the aged pension, and have struggled to maintain private health insurance. I live in a rural area which has no access to reconstruction surgery in the private or public system so I need to go to Melbourne. What worries me a lot is the…
Life Insurance
Has anyone had trouble getting life insurance approved after being diagnosed with BC? I have been refused Income Protection and Trauma Insurance and what Death cover I can get (with exclusions) is very heavily loaded.
private insurance
Hi, not sure but did someone comment that their private health provider wasn't going to let them claim on fat transfer / grafting costs but then after discussion said they could claim on their private health insurance? not sure where I read this, maybe it was on the 'reclaim your curves' website. I will check them out as…