Newly diagnosed
I'm 39 from Hervey Bay QLD I have just been diagnosed with Invasive Breast Cancer HER2 positive and ER positive. Looks like I've caught it early. My first appointment with surgeons is in 2 weeks. I have no information and no idea what treatment may be other then lumpectomy. Anxious and scary with so many unknowns.
Holistic approach success story please
Hi everyone I recently started my battle against HER2+ breast cancer in the left breast and I have had a very difficult time with chemo as I have found out the very hard way that I am now allergic to both drugs and have had in 5weeks of treatment 3trips to ER.... My oncologist still wants to push through the chemo and is…
HER2 positive diagnosed Dec 24 -
49 fit and healthy and then what the! Noticed a dimple in left breast, straight to Dr, all the tests and within 18 days was having my first round of chemo 2 days after Christmas. 2 cm lump left breast, HER2 3+ positive, they don’t believe it is in my lymph nodes just one enlarged from the biopsy. Just finished 2nd of 6…
Stage 2 HER2+ undergoing AC chemo
NEW Private Group - Triple Positive Breast Cancer (TPBC)
Hello members, If you have been diagnosed with 'Triple Positive Breast Cancer' (TPBC) or supporting someone with this breast cancer type, you may have asked whether we have a private group available for people. Currently we do not have a dedicated group, however there are several members who would like to see a specific…