Dear @Payne Happy birthday greetings coming your way! Have a lovely day!
Dear @InkPetal Sending you birthday greetings and wishing you many happy returns Enjoy!
I only know one lady on this site. I see all the birthday greetings as they come up but feel individual comments are not really appropriate. It is not that I don't care. We are all in different places in our lives and at different stages of diagnosis, treatment and recovery/survival. We all have different thoughts and…
@KylieG Hope your day is full of laughter and joy Best Wishes
Dear @GJH_104 have a wonderful day on this your birthday! Best wishes
@wendy55 Wishing you a great birthday and many happy returns
@Anne65 Sending you best wishes for today your Birthday Wishing you many Happy Returns
Dear @Nefertari Well the 18th is a good date for a birthday, shared by others on here! Sending you Happy Birthday Wishes All the Best
@Mira Sending you Happy Birthday wishes along with a virtual hug Many Happy Returns
Dear @poodlejules Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Wishing you a day full of happiness and a year full of joy
Dear @angg66 Sending you birthday greetings and wishing you many happy returns Have a wonderful day
Dear @primek Wishing you a wonderful birthday full of joy and happiness! We appreciate your depth of understanding as we all travel this path Take care and best wishes Hugs
Dear @Nikkilee Happy Birthday to you! Best wishes
Dear @Pammy46 Wishing you a wonderful birthday Best wishes Take care
Dear @55Jlz Hope this birthday greeting brings a smile Sending you best wishes for this, your birthday