Forum Discussion

kmakm's avatar
7 years ago

Thank you

Thank you @Marianne_BCNA for getting onto this and getting it up so quickly. And thank you @InkPetal for being the spark. Legends!

  • Kmakm do you want me to repost the article in here for people to comment on it ? 

  • Okay - get it now.  This is what happens when you try to catch up with posts at 4:30am.
  • ah Sister at 4.30 I finally was asleep .... but I hear  you the brain can be a tad less sharp at 4.30am..... 
  • Just seen this on my memories on Facebook 
    think it sums up our forum well....

    (F)ight for you.
    (R)espect you.
    (I)nvolve you.
    (E)ncourage you.
    (N)eed you.
    (D)eserve you
    (S)tand by you.