kmakmMember7 years agoThank youThank you @Marianne_BCNA for getting onto this and getting it up so quickly. And thank you @InkPetal for being the spark. Legends!
SoldierCrabMember7 years agoKmakm do you want me to repost the article in here for people to comment on it ? kmakmMember7 years ago@SoldierCrab Good thinking 99.SisterMember7 years ago???confused????SisterMember7 years agoOkay - get it now. This is what happens when you try to catch up with posts at 4:30am.SoldierCrabMember7 years agoah Sister at 4.30 I finally was asleep .... but I hear you the brain can be a tad less sharp at 4.30am..... SoldierCrabMember7 years agoJust seen this on my memories on Facebook think it sums up our forum well....F.R.I.E.N.D.S.:(F)ight for you. (R)espect you. (I)nvolve you. (E)ncourage you. (N)eed you. (D)eserve you and (S)tand by you. InkPetalMember7 years agoI'm so happy this exists now. Thank you @Marianne_BCNAMarianne_BCNAMember7 years agoThank you for suggesting it @InkPetal. It's great to have you back :)
SoldierCrabMember7 years agoKmakm do you want me to repost the article in here for people to comment on it ?
SisterMember7 years agoOkay - get it now. This is what happens when you try to catch up with posts at 4:30am.
SoldierCrabMember7 years agoah Sister at 4.30 I finally was asleep .... but I hear you the brain can be a tad less sharp at 4.30am.....
SoldierCrabMember7 years agoJust seen this on my memories on Facebook think it sums up our forum well....F.R.I.E.N.D.S.:(F)ight for you. (R)espect you. (I)nvolve you. (E)ncourage you. (N)eed you. (D)eserve you and (S)tand by you.
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