Hi @Cafrini60, the links from @primek are a great start. I actually think the photo story about a DUG flap is a misspelling and should be TUG Flap as it is a very similar procedure. You are right that TUG Flap surgery is less common and so it has been hard to capture these stories, so if you are willing, we would love to hear more about your experience (as I understand you have already had the procedure?) in the Choosing Breast Reconstruction group.
A couple of other options to connect include joining the closed Reclaim Your Curves (breast reconstruction peer support) facebook group (which is run by the same admins as the reconstruction group in this network). This group is very active, with over 1300 members (mostly from Australia) and hopefully would help join you up with others who may have had the same surgery. To request to join the group:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/reclaimyourcurves/ If you're not on, or don't want to join Facebook, I could ask the group on your behalf to see if anyone has had a TUG reconstruction and would be willing to contact you through this forum or otherwise.
Also, was yours the first TUG procedure that your surgeon has done? If not, can the surgeon connect you with others s/he has operated on? I asked my surgeon about this before having my reconstruction in 2014 (when DIEPs were a bit less common) and they were very willing to put me in touch with a couple of previous patients.
Hope this helps. Best wishes, Jane xx