Hi Ami - have just seen your message - didn't realise it was there.
Good luck with your surgery next week.
I didn't really have an option with my recon - mainly because I had a double mastectomy and reconstructing 2 with the other methods was just going to be too big a procedure.
My right side - which has always been the "good" side has been fantastic. The "evil" left side not quite so - I got an infection after the mastectomy and had to have the expander taken out 4 weeks later. BUT i had it put back in last friday and seems to be doing just what it is supposed to.
The tightness is probably the most weird part - feels like you have either a brick on your chest or a steel band constantly tight around your chest.
I will send you a private message with my phone number if you would like to have a chat - is sometimes easier than trying to type it all down!!
Bye for now