5 years agoMember
Waiting time
Hi, After a routine screening mammogram with no lumps or bumps prior, I was shocked to find myself in the positions of being newly diagnosed and struggling with the timing of everything. I was originally diagnosed on 20th March with Stage 2 with positive hormone receptor then subsequent biopsy was done on the 1st April. I have 2 lesions one 18mm (invasive Duct) and the other 27mm (invasive duct or lobule- they're not sure) , I saw the surgeon pretty quickly as he was free on the 3rd. he has asked for an MRI to be certain and to also check the right breast as I have fairly dense breasts which may have hidden something. They are to sure if it has spread to any lymph nodes- nothing showed on mammogram and no-one has felt anything.
I can get the MRI until the 14th April and then follow up appointment with the surgeon on the 20th April....... it feels like such a long time.... is that normal??? the waiting and not knowing anything for sure is really hard!
I can get the MRI until the 14th April and then follow up appointment with the surgeon on the 20th April....... it feels like such a long time.... is that normal??? the waiting and not knowing anything for sure is really hard!