Sorry to see you join us here, @marg16 ... but you are in the right spot to vent or ask questions & receive support from 'those who've gone before' ..... Remember - there are no 'silly' questions ....
Absolutely - the diagnosis is always a shock- I hope you have good support at home xx Don't forget to take someone with you when you go for your results, both a physical support and also an extra set of ears! It is difficult to remember EVERYTHING that is said - so consider recording the appointment too - so you can go over it again if you want to, at home. xx
Jump onto this thread & check out other areas on the forum that you may find interest in .... you can show off your garden, pets, art & craft & other things - and even have a 'laugh' - god knows we need a laugh! ;) There are even tick sheets down the bottom to 'self assess' how you are going ..... you feel sad or overwhelmed at all, ask your GP to refer you to a counsellor (or you can get a care plan if you are 'older' and see them either subsidised or Bulk Billed!) Or ring our Helpline on 1800 500 258
You could also listen to Charlotte Tottman's podcasts (a BC psychologist who then got breast cancer) so she KNOWS what everyone goes thru ..... Series One (and continue watching/listening to, the whole series) care, remember - no heavy lifting - get the family to do the laundry & stuff like that .... sit back, & be 'waited on' xx