@brightspace thank you :-)
My bp seems to be really good, usually it's lowish, so is around low-normal at the moment. He's ordering the bone density to be done soon, i'm already on calcium & vit D on his recommendation during chemo. My cholesterol is generally good, although it's not been checked lately.
Walking i really need to get back to though, not hard as I have 2 young American Staffy's (2.5 & 4 years old) that need walking ;-) I haven't done much walking due to lethargy from chemo, but have started trying to get out there a bit with them. The 4 year old is new to my family, having only adopted him 4 weeks ago, but he's fitting in so well with us, but has needed some training, and as I am the definite Alpha with my dogs, and my partner has no real experience with larger dogs, it's been up to me.
With doing dose dense chemo it's been one hell of a ride!
I am definitely wanting a reconstruction, and considering asking for the other side to be taken off with immediate recon at the same time. I had skin & nipple sparing mastectomy in May which went really well.
I was lucky to have caught my bc before it became mets - I had 17 lymph nodes, all removed and all were + for bc, so i guess i dodged a bullet there. My tumours were also only 1mm from my chest wall. Who knows where it would have spread to. I feel very lucky indeed!