I am a self employed Dog Groomer with my own business (sole trader, no employees) so I have been working a little when I can through the last 7 months of treatment.
Fortunately I have been running for 17 years and have a loyal group of clients who are prepared to work around me and a husband with a reasonably well paying job and a flexible employer.
I was not able to work much during chemo, especially as I spent part of the time in hospital, and have had two operations so far.
I am 57.
We can't afford for me not to work, at least part time, if we want to continue with the lifestyle we are accustomed to and support my horse and my husband's travel aspirations.
I have learnt through all this that I was not focussed enough in what was good for me, and put the business first too much.
I am not trained for much else and live in a high unemployment region, so doubt that I will consider changing vocation, but I believe many people reassess what they want to do with their lives after cancer treatment and go a completely different direction.
I will just cut back a little on my work load, not be pressured into accepting more each day than I can manage and will be choosier about who I accept.
I will also schedule in a proper lunch time and time for regular exercise and catching up with friends.
I felt I was cruising slowly before and taking a lot for granted.
Now I feel compelled to get into gear and make things happen.
The goals I had for my riding, getting fit, getting out and competing, going to events just to enjoy watching them.
Improving my work / life balance.
Perhaps I feel more urgency now, and a renewed interest in life.
I don't really want to go back completely to what was "normal" before, I want this year to have meant something, and to have had a positive effect on my life in some way.
Good luck finding your answers, they will probably become clearer as you go along. Jennie