Forum Discussion

ARichies's avatar
3 years ago

Starting Radiotherapy soon. Any tips? Thanks

I had my radiation CT scan and dosimetry simulation planning done on Monday and will be starting my radiation treatment next Wednesday. Would love any tips before I start treatment. I have my strata XRT and Moogoo ready. I have started moisturising this week. Told to apply Strata XRT first morning and night and in between moisturise with Moogoo. Did anyone do this differently? Also had tips to soak in epsom salt bath on weekends, drink lots of water, do some light exercise and lots of rest. Any changes to your food intake or supplements? 
Some have said there may be tummy issues as well. Any pointers would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  • Hi @ARichies

    You may have already seen this article on BCNA's My Journey, but it just gives an overview of potential side effects of radiotherapy and things you can do to help reduce the chances of side effects. The webpage also has helpful links to other resources too

    I'm sure you will get more advice and support from other members as well. Best wishes for Wednesday.
  • Ask,if the radiation service supplies mepitel - it’s like a thick gladwrap,that stays on the breast skin (for duration of radiation - negates need to cream up; can’t have long showers or go swimming; can lift on edges but can be reapplied easily ) VEry successful, in reducing “burns” or super red skin one can end up,with post radiation. Can be used by lumpectomy or mastectomy cases . 
  • Hi, I used mepilex which was just excellent and a qv intensive moisturiser after the mepilex was removed. It stays on the whole of the radium treatment and 2 wks after. I found the QV intensive better than moogoo but depends on whether you get really sore spots, which I did have a couple spots. I found radium much easier than chemo but a bit tired from it. Good luck with it.
  • @Carissa_BCNA @noosa_blue150 @Cath62
    Hi ladies, 
    I finished my radiation treatment two weeks ago. Skin held up quite well and I didn't end up with bad burns. Skin is freckly, a tad sore, flaky and itchy at the moment. Just wanted to thank all of you for your skincare tips and all the reassurances you have given me. I really appreciate it, thank you. 

  • So pleased you got through it ok. Well done @ARichies. 👏👏💐
  • Just wondered how the woman with bigger boobs have gone on with radiation. 
    My radiation treatment starts the 20th any advice would be great.
  • @Pommy8 ... whilst I do NOT consider myself to be 'big breasted' (I used to be a size 34) the Radiation Team decided that I was 'well endowed' - and probably because my tumour & surgery was under the nipple - I had my radiation on my tummy, with my boob hanging thru a hole in the 'bed' and the Machine zapped me from below the 'bed'!

    I guess it all depends on the location of the area requiring zapping, as they try not to zap other areas.

    All the best for your Rads - keep the lotions & potions up to it twice a day (but not on the morning of treatment.)

    take care