Read, watch and try :-)

Hi all, Healthy eating and physical activity has significant benefits for general health and wellbeing. I thought I would share some great resources that I have come across to watch, read and try when keeping active and staying well.
Read The benefits of incidental exercise
Read Michelle Bridges on incidental exercise being one of the keys to offsetting kilo creep and can lead to surprising fitness improvement. Incidental exercise is exercise you get doing regular daily activities such as housework, gardening and walking the dog.
Watch Five Ways to Strengthen Wellbeing
This is a 9 minute multilingual educational short film that aims to raise community awareness about easy, effective and evidence-based actions people can take, to bring a greater sense of ‘wellbeing’ into people’s lives
Try How to get moving in seven days
Is a Body+Soul article that breaks up how to move more into bite size pieces. There are some great steps here to improve your health and wellbeing
I will continue to keep you updated with things to read, watch and try - remember…Small steps lead to big change. Take each day as a new opportunity to focus on living well :-)
No worries at all - glad you found the links interesting! You have such a positive outlook on life, it is really inspiring. We are so pleased to be able to provide support. Feedback like this really makes our day :-) Thanks Deanne - not sure if you caught this great article in Daily Life recently?