Something for those worried about fertility

yetbeung Member Posts: 167
edited October 2014 in Health and wellbeing
Sorry if it's too much information, but l thought this may give a bit of hope for those ladies wanting to conceive after chemo.

No, l'm not pregnant! But after 11 glorious months of being period free, they have decided to come back. I was told that if they hadn't returned after about 3 months since last chemo, there would be a pretty good chance that menopause had started. 7months after last chemo, they decide to reappear!!

(Those who know me would know l was thrilled when they stopped, as l've never wanted kids & thought periods were just a yucky neccessity. )

so to those ladies hoping to conceive after treatment, don't give up hope! It could still happen! Our bodies are wierd & wonderful things.


  • yetbeung
    yetbeung Member Posts: 167
    edited March 2015

    I guess this is one of those "Everyone's different" situations...I had other symptoms of menopause too ie. bad joint pain, bad hot flushes, weight my oncologist said that it looks as though menopause *could* be permenent for me.

    She did say there was a blood test that could be done where they measure hormone levels, but I didn't have it done, I figured whatever was going to happen would happen. I wasn't eagerly waiting for them to return however, so you might want to ask if the hormone testing is something that might be useful for you. 

    I know of a lady whose periods returned after 3 months, others who never got them back at all...lots of  other factors ie. how close you were to menopause to start with, the length and type of your chemo course, age, general health, stress levels etc. can influence when and if they return...the oncologist should be able to shed some light for you on your particular situation. 

    Good luck with it!

  • LeeTeamAndo
    LeeTeamAndo Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015


    I have the results back and from what i can compare and interpret not good. FSH well into post menopause and LH, SHBG and testosterone bismal. thyroid i think functioning ok so not sure if this will just change one day for an unknown reason or if this is it. :-(

    im 41 and had masectomy on RHS, 4 rounds of chemo, no radiation. im supposed to be on tamoxifen but not. physically i was ok but mentally and emotionally i became a suiacidal wreck. I feel so much better now and keeping a healthy diet and very physically active. Im lucky to have a beautiful husband and 2 gorgeous young girls.

    cheerio :-)