Dragon boating for fun, friendship & fitness!

aseers Member Posts: 42
edited September 2014 in Health and wellbeing

Come & Try Dragon Boating!

Dragons Abreast Melbourne (DAM Busters) invites all breast cancer survivors and supporters to join us!

Date: 9am Sunday 12 October 2014

Shed 2, North Wharf Rd. Docklands, Melbourne


We aim to dragon boat for fun, friendship and fitness; embrace life and improve our well-being, support all those who have had breast cancer; promote breast cancer awareness; demonstrate people can lead a very active life despite breast cancer; and encourage participation over competition.

What you need to wear/bring:

Non-slip shoes, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, track pants or leggings or bike shorts, a water bottle and a big smile! On the day we'll provide you with a paddle and a personal flotation device (PFD).

Please RSVP by calling/emailing:

dragonsabreastmelb@****.au or Ali 0433 999 300

