Young Women of South East & Bayside areas

Hi everyone. I've noticed that when I attend support groups all the women are at least 10+ yrs older than myself with at least teenaged, if not older, children. My children are aged 10, 6 & 1. I was diagnosed roughly 6 months after my youngest was born. Therefore whilst it has been great meeting these women I feel that at times we are on different wave lengths due to where we are at in our lives.
What I am wanting to do is set up a face to face support group for families with young children or women who are still yet to have their children.
I am currently living in Frankston North but maybe moving to Doveton. So willing to travel to a destination between Moorabbin & Mornington, Hastings to Dandenong. Most likely meeting originally at a park or playcentre or family restaurant. This way we can bring our kids if we have / want too.
My question is how many of us actually fit this age group & would be willing to give setting up a new face to face support group a try?
I live in an area which has the nickname 'gods waiting room' - many retirees. At support group or other BC activities I feel I am also 10 years but usually 20 years younger. Most of the other ladies talk about how it will affect their grandchildren who don't live with them yet I have a 3 yr old and a 6 yr old. We are at different life stages so therefore have different concerns. I don't feel supported as most are post treatment too whilst I'm still in chemo. Yet I find they are more internalised i.e. have time to sit on the couch & ponder why me/negatively. Whilst my kids & keeping up with life keep me too busy for that. Sadly I find they aren't interested in hearing me as too focused on expressing themselves, I get ignored or spoken over. My husband said to me this week not to go as I just end up more frustrated afterwards than getting something out of it. I didn't go and for me it allowed me to see how relieved I felt by that. I've realised that it's ok not to do support group even if others (you trust) are strongly pushing that's it's the best thing to do. I'm finding more useful alternatives - online support & a regular gentle yoga class not the BC yoga class.
Thanks for letting me tell my experience even though I don't live near you - I just wanted to show how great & useful your support group would be. Good on you, hope it comes together0