2 yr anniversary

fearless Member Posts: 10
edited March 2011 in Day to day

well I don't know how to celebrate this anniversary - 2 years since my chest portacath was inplanted and I started my 16mth course of chemo and radiation therapy to prevent this breast cancer from metastisizing in other parts of my body. I am feeling pretty good these days, just side-effects from daily tamoxifen, night sweats, cramps and the feeling of not being quite "with it" and dreadful short-term memory, zero sexdrive and the roll of fat around my stomach which I can't get rid of even with my hectic exercising at work.

I'm having a full blood test next Sat morning when I have my portachath flushed and then seeing my medical oncologist on Mon arv.  I want to discuss the lump in my cartilage between the ribs on my chest, it is tender and aches most times. I'm certain it 's costochondritis but I don't know what the treatment will be. I also have lots of pain in my ribs around my back and gett cramps down my spine muscles. The nerve damage in my hands and feet is worse in this hot weather, they feel  like puffy balloons and I am very fumbly and uncoordinated with pins and needles shooting through my fingers and my toes are often numb.

Changed GPs this week as I needed to get my referral letter for the hospital. Not sure if he will be any good but at least he understands as his daughter died last year from breast cancer.