Cancer in BOTH breasts !

Sue in FNQ
Sue in FNQ Member Posts: 32
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed

It's been 2 weeks and 2 days since my surgery and now that I have a clear picture of what I had and where I'm going, I can share with you all.

Reminder :- I was diagnosed on 27 June 2014 with "Invasive Lobular Carcinoma with focal areas of LCIS Left Breast".  I elected to have a Bilateral Mastectomy (because I wanted symmetry, did not want reconstruction, had an inkling that the right breast was brewing something sinister, didn't need my breasts any more, etc etc).  Surgery was granted ... and I had my operation on 30 July 2014.  I was discharged on Day # 2 as I was self-caring and only ever required Paracetamol for pain relief.

Right Drain - wriggled its way out on day # 5 (too early, I know) and the Left Drain was removed on day # 9.  I have since developed Seroma (fluid collection under the wound) which has required some syringing, but is beginning to settle - and is monitored by my GP.

Results .... well, here's the surprise.  It has taken until today to be informed of the exact findings from the Histology tests ... and they are still on-going, I might add.  You see, even though the Pathologist was expecting to examine and find the left breast tissue had cancer and to confirm that the right breast tissue was all clear, he instead found CANCER IN BOTH BREASTS !!!

It's important to mention here that my BC was detected by routine mammogram (I've been having them every 2 years since age 40 and I turn 50 yrs of age in a few months). There was no lump, no family history, no tell-tale signs. So, I was and am extremely grateful that the free service of mammography found my BC ... and I am equally grateful that my intuition and determination to request a double mastectomy proved to be a wise decision indeed.

So, both breasts had "Invasive Lobular Carcinoma with focal areas of lobular carcinoma in situ".  And here's the really fantastic news :-

  • NO evidence of cancer in lymph nodes (negative Lymphatic Vascular Invasion) - I had 3 removed during surgery, but no need to remove any more !
  • Clear margins were obtained from both mastectomies
  • NO need for further surgery
  • NO need for radiation treatment
  • NO need for chemo treatment
  • Appt with Medical Oncologist on 25th August for further results (% of chance of returning and other numbers etc) to determine which Hormone Therapy (Tamoxifen or Femara or Arimidex) to be taken for next 10 years.

How do I feel ? .... Great !  Physically, I am doing really well ... no pain, very little discomfort (sleeping with the drains was the biggest challenge), wound is healing nicely, physio exercises stretching and limbering my muscles. 

And emotionally ? .... No problems here either ! I don't miss my breasts at all ... having had large breasts all my life, I've gone from being a member of the "Over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder" to being a new member of the "Ity-bity-tity-club" ... with some swelling still to reduce, I'm not quite flat chested. 

I have an appt to visit the specialty lingerie shop in my next town, in a couple of weeks, to be sized up for prosthetics (will be going down a couple of cups !) ... and am beginning to get excited about our long-planned holiday to Canada and Alaska in four weeks time.  Surgeon has given the thumbs up to travel and hubby and I feel elated and grateful for so many steps taken along this BC journey.  Yes, it's a long road and it's not over, by any means ... but gee it feels good to be moving forward xx



  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Fantastic news Sue, hope you have a great time on your holiday. Deep sigh of relief for you all. Xx
  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Fantastic news Sue, hope you have a great time on your holiday. Deep sigh of relief for you all. Xx
  • Candygirl
    Candygirl Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2015

    This would confirm any doublts that you or friends would have had about removing both breasts.  

    Are you going to question the mammogram or ultrasound results that said this breast was OK?

    This has really been my only concern that something was missed, because I have very dense breast tissue.  I have requested an MRI but was told that anything would be too microscopic to be picked up.  I had an all clear mammogram 6 months prior to my dx.  It was picked up with ultrasound looking at a fibrodenoma.  

    I have since had a 3d mammogram on both breasts and been given the all clear.  I also hope that the hormone treatement lessens the density of my breast tissue.

    I too had over the shoulder bolder holders which alway put indentations in my shoulder with big straps, now with reduction of good breast I am in thesmaller bity titty club. 

    All the best on your recovery, 



  • Candygirl
    Candygirl Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2015

    This would confirm any doublts that you or friends would have had about removing both breasts.  

    Are you going to question the mammogram or ultrasound results that said this breast was OK?

    This has really been my only concern that something was missed, because I have very dense breast tissue.  I have requested an MRI but was told that anything would be too microscopic to be picked up.  I had an all clear mammogram 6 months prior to my dx.  It was picked up with ultrasound looking at a fibrodenoma.  

    I have since had a 3d mammogram on both breasts and been given the all clear.  I also hope that the hormone treatement lessens the density of my breast tissue.

    I too had over the shoulder bolder holders which alway put indentations in my shoulder with big straps, now with reduction of good breast I am in thesmaller bity titty club. 

    All the best on your recovery, 



  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    I too had BC and a clear mammogram. My 6th sense sent me looking for answers even though a mammogram only 3 months prior showed nothing. An ultrasound cleared a lump I was concerned about, and found a small cyst that they weren't concerned about. Just to be safe they did a biopsy, and this cyst turned out to grade 3 invasive ductal cancer. A new mammogram still showed nothing. I have since had a bilateral mastectomy as I didn't want to fear every mammogram in the future. I also had an MRI to check the other breast which was clear. I decided to have the other one off 9 months after the first one. I have had chemo and will be on Femara for 7 to 10 years. Sue, like you I am glad I went with my gut feeling.
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    I too had BC and a clear mammogram. My 6th sense sent me looking for answers even though a mammogram only 3 months prior showed nothing. An ultrasound cleared a lump I was concerned about, and found a small cyst that they weren't concerned about. Just to be safe they did a biopsy, and this cyst turned out to grade 3 invasive ductal cancer. A new mammogram still showed nothing. I have since had a bilateral mastectomy as I didn't want to fear every mammogram in the future. I also had an MRI to check the other breast which was clear. I decided to have the other one off 9 months after the first one. I have had chemo and will be on Femara for 7 to 10 years. Sue, like you I am glad I went with my gut feeling.
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,315
    edited March 2015
    There is a lot to be said for gut instinct. Glad you followed yours and the outcome for you has been good. Rest up and recover well and look forward to that well deserved break.
    Paula x