Ups and Downs

JessicaV Member Posts: 297
edited August 2014 in Health and wellbeing

After an amazingly productive weekend fixing the reticulation, wiring up the raspberries, making cheese and building two new coldframes, I convinced myself that now my chemotherapy has been simplified to Herceptin only, I am past the fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms.

Then I had my Herceptin treatment on Monday and by midday today I was a totally wilted flower. My knee, hip and back joints ache and after my one-hour morning walk I collapsed in a heap and was ready to go back to bed by about 11am.

I felt so disappointed in myself for losing my momentum, though I could understand that even I was doing my best  I did not have any energy left to achieve more than I did. Ho hum, such is life.

Still, it was good to have those three days of energy and enthusiasm. I am hoping to have another three at the end of the next three-week cycle..


  • JessicaV
    JessicaV Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Hi Robyn, I will be finishing Herceptin in February. Every 3 weeks until then. I have made some lovely friends including one who is also now on herceptin only, so I enjoy chatting with her in the Chemo Lounge, and then we go for a coffee afterwards. I was looking forward to being able to get my house tidied up and clean enough to invite friends back for lunch sometime. However, my house really is in a "relatives who know me very well only" state.  I have a sick old cat who only sometimes manages to get to the litterbox, and sometimes poos or wees on the floor, and when my chemo fatigue is really bad, it is all I can do to cover the mess with kitchen towel, to clean up when I have a bit of energy to spare later on. This disgusts and shames me but is really all I am capable of on those days. I have also not had the energy to properly sort out my clothes for each season and pack away summer clothes when getting out winter clothes, and generally many aspects of keeping a house in a house-proud state have just had to give way to leave energy for walking daily, feeding us, and time in the garden, these being my priorities. I shall just have to tell my friends that my house is not fit for guests at the moment,  and please not to be offended.

    Thanks for your kind encouragement Robyn


  • JessicaV
    JessicaV Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015


  • JessicaV
    JessicaV Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015
