ABCFG reaches the Australian Senate!
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Guess what? The ABCFG has reached the Australian Senate!
We were very fortunate to have South Australian Senator Alex Gallacher talk to members of the Senate about our group and all the wonderful things that we've been up to!
If you're interested in watching Senator Gallacher's speech just copy and paste the entire link provided below in to your browser and then click on the "Watch ParlView" icon. Also, if you'd like to read the speech transcript, please copy and paste the entire link provided below in to your browser (If you try to click on the link instead of cutting and pasting you'll reach a different page on the Parliament website).
A big thank you goes out to Senator Gallacher for bringing our group to the attention of the Australian Government, and for his unwavering support. Another big thank you goes out to JENNIFERJ for networking with Senator Gallacher's office to make this happen! xx;query=Dataset:hansardr,hansards,hansardr80,hansards80 ((SpeakerId%3A204953)%20%7C%20(QuestionerId_Phrase%3A204953)%20%7C%20(ResponderId_Phrase%3A204953)%20%7C%20(InterjectId_Phrase%3A204953)%20%7C%20(Presenter_Id%3A204953));rec=13;resCount=Default
Congratulations ladies on this wonderful acomplishment. To be recognised in parliament for the wonderful support your group provides to each other and to members of your community is fantastic. Your group definitely deserves the positive mention, promotion and support. Well done.