New diagnosis

Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
edited August 2014 in Health and wellbeing
I was diagnosed with early breast cancer last Thursday. I don't see my medical team til the 11th and each day feels like a month! One minute I'm happy that it's small and detected early, the next I'm miserable and angry and scared. I haven't had a moment to myself with everyone "rallying" round and telling me I'm lucky it's so small and how strong I am. But I don't feel lucky and still feel alone in the crowd. It seems the treatment is fairly full on even when it's contained etc etc. I am feeling very much part of this group and just want to thank Mich for her lovely welcome and the other members for their insight. Has anyone had Dr Abdulazziz and her team at SCGH?


  • shelli
    shelli Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2015

    Hey Jen, Oh crap. It's such a hard time these days inbetween those three words and when you can start working out what the hell is going on. There are no words to describe what youa re going through - the rollercoaster of emotions, my favourite is the ..."just the next thing" there is a never ending thing. This wait is the worst I can tell you that now, and you do your own head in more than the actual of what will happen. The one thing i can share is that you run your own race.. you need to be selfish - and you need to work out what you need. If you need some time out. Its OK to say so. I totally lost it at one point when I went to my apartment and needed a few things and everyone wouldn't leave me alone and buzzing around - i just yelled out - everyone out at the top of my voice "GET OUT"  and told them to all go and get a coffee - and all i wanted to do was sit in the room and have a cry on my own. IT'S OK. and that what you need to let youself know, and they all understand! 

    A lot of it is just breathing through it - and rolling each day with what comes, and the biggest thing for me - was that this is now out of my control and in the hands of my medical team and they are amazing. But everyone is different and ever case is unique. So just remember that you will process differently to everyone else. 

    The best insight I can give you - is to try and get yourself as strong as possible for the appointments, test and treatments  - because you need to be at your best to be able to kill this thing... Never go alone so that someone can always listen, and never feel stupid to ask anything that you have on your mind. This is about you after all!

    It's crap - but there is light! :-) Sx

    (FYI - I have my 5th round of Chemo and a cocktail of drugs next week.) 



  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Shelli...what a breath of fresh air you are. I will take time to breathe. Best of luck on your next round of chemo :)