Seat at the Table

Hi Everybody,
I look forward to meeting you on Tuesday evening, if not Wednesday when we get down to business.
I have been living with HER2 Postive Breast Cancer for 7 years. Over that period of time my constant medication has been Herceptin with numerous chemotherapies as adjuncts. I have had several bouts of radiotheraphy for my bone mets as well as brain mets. Despite all this I am still fuctioning well and still have a full life with my family being my husband and two your men Jordan 25 and Tyler 22. I just recently went onto Kadclya and thus far have found it to be a far more gentler drug, fingers crossed its doing its job.
I live in Northern Suburbs of Melbourne.
I am delighted and honoured that BCNA invited me to be part of "Seat at the Table" and be trained as a Consumer Representative
See you there.