Travel Insurance

Deenick Member Posts: 11
edited June 2014 in Day to day


Has anyone had any luck with getting travel insurance for BC treated within the last two years?

We want to travel to the States later this year.

My wife had surgery over 12 months ago but there are very few who will insure her and then its so expensive.  I have found two companies but price ranges from $900 to $2300. I just don't understand the risk but not prepared to go without.

Comments / feedback will be appreciated.




  • margiemoo
    margiemoo Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2015

    I have some travel plans to bali and a cruise later this year and have not looked at the travel insurance yet - will be interesting to see what people say. 

  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies,

    I am planning a trip to Hawaii later this year and have had similiar thoughts. My travel agent friend advised that because no company will insure me, or if they do it will be mightly expensive, it is better to not declare the BC diagnosis and get insurance like anyone else.

    Then if there is an incident, you will be covered, just not anything related to breast cancer.

    There is info here on BNCA website this link it to the page and its at the bottom of the list. I could only view it if I saved it.

    I am happy with this but I will be interested in reading others views.

  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies,

    I am planning a trip to Hawaii later this year and have had similiar thoughts. My travel agent friend advised that because no company will insure me, or if they do it will be mightly expensive, it is better to not declare the BC diagnosis and get insurance like anyone else.

    Then if there is an incident, you will be covered, just not anything related to breast cancer.

    There is info here on BNCA website this link it to the page and its at the bottom of the list. I could only view it if I saved it.

    I am happy with this but I will be interested in reading others views.

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    I will copy the content of a post I saved that was posted on 21 Sept 2013. I saved it at the time as I thought I might need it one day.

    "After getting letters from my GP and Oncologist, it turned out I didn't need them after all. In their Product Disclosure Statement, Covermore lists conditions they automatically cover for free. For several cancers, including breast: if you were diagnosed over 6 months ago, have not had any chemo or radio in the past 6 months, if your cancer has not spread beyond the primary site at any time - and if your journey is for less than 6 months duration - you automatically get their full cover. I rang to check. True. They emailed me a policy on the spot. No letters needed. No excess to pay."

    I don't have any idea re price etc. Louie that is very interesting what your friend told you. I have also been told that you can get insurance, just not for any breast cancer related problems.

    Good luck.
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    I will copy the content of a post I saved that was posted on 21 Sept 2013. I saved it at the time as I thought I might need it one day.

    "After getting letters from my GP and Oncologist, it turned out I didn't need them after all. In their Product Disclosure Statement, Covermore lists conditions they automatically cover for free. For several cancers, including breast: if you were diagnosed over 6 months ago, have not had any chemo or radio in the past 6 months, if your cancer has not spread beyond the primary site at any time - and if your journey is for less than 6 months duration - you automatically get their full cover. I rang to check. True. They emailed me a policy on the spot. No letters needed. No excess to pay."

    I don't have any idea re price etc. Louie that is very interesting what your friend told you. I have also been told that you can get insurance, just not for any breast cancer related problems.

    Good luck.
  • Deenick
    Deenick Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015
    Hi Ladies,
    (I assume you all read this post hence I have not replied to separately )
    Thank you for your responses. So far I have only two companies that will cover my wife. Columbus and insureandgo. The first is the cheapest at $930 the other is $1300. Covermore won't cover, but will check this out. Apparently they changed hands in Jan 2014 and now take a much harder line. Disappointingly Seniors would not cover neither. Also tried Needabroker who were helpless. I would risk not covering however going to States I have heard of to many horror stories plus insurance companies will look for any excuse not to pay. I would never forgive myself if anything happened and my wife could not get treated because we were not insured.

  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited March 2015

    Hi Deenick,

    I wrote the post that Paula has quoted above, about travel insurance from Covermore.  They covered me in January/February 2014, worldwide cover.

    I did however fill their criteria - no treatment in the preceding 6 months.  If you check online under Existing Medical Conditions, Breast/Prostate/Kidney/Bowel/Colon Cancer, it should set it out clearly.  ie no treatment as above, no spread beyond the primary site at any time, and a journey of less than 6 months.  I think it cost around $600 - just the regular policy amount.

    I hadn't realised they had changed hands and maybe changed policy, but it's worth checking.  Good luck.

    Michelle R

  • Deenick
    Deenick Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015

    Hi Michelle,

    Thank you for the feedback, I will double check.

    As to changing hands that was hear say, so I made be wrong.  My brother in law insured with them last May and with the same conditions he tried again recently but they knocked him back.  The travel agent said they had changed hands.




  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited March 2015

    Hi Jeff,

    I just checked their Product Disclosure Policy in the brochure, online.  It is definitely still the same, so quote it at whoever answers the phone - maybe they are not up to speed.  Thay can't argue with their own Policy!

    Best of luck.  Michelle R

  • Deenick
    Deenick Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015
    Hi Michele,

    You are 100% correct. I rang them direct my error , and the travel agents, is we did not read the policy. Staff at Covermore were very obliging and helpful.
    The company was listed on the stock exchange in January 14 and they did tighten up some areas of rusk hence my brother in-laws problem .

    Thank you for your help and pointing me in the right direction.

    Cheers Jeff
  • Deenick
    Deenick Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015
    Hi Marg,

    All the best it should be good. enjoy.

    My concern was going to the States which is a high cost medical area.

    All the best

  • TinaW
    TinaW Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies, I'm not sure which travel agent Louie spoke to but it is incorrect. If you do not declare your medical conditions when asked it could put your whole cover in jeopardy in the event of a medical claim and it's the last thing you want when overseas. Always obtain a copy of the product disclosure statement and listen/ read the criteria questions carefully and answer them truthfully. I'm an insurance broker and would not take on a client that suggested their medical conditions should not be declared. Quite often once declared you still pay the same price but anything to do with the recent treatment or contrition will be excluded, each insurance company has different terms and conditions. I'm going to Europe in 2 months and I have cover for everything else just nothing relating to bc, so be it I wouldn't be going if I wasn't fit I really just want it in the event of an accident etc. best advice, be honest and shop around xx

  • TinaW
    TinaW Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies, I'm not sure which travel agent Louie spoke to but it is incorrect. If you do not declare your medical conditions when asked it could put your whole cover in jeopardy in the event of a medical claim and it's the last thing you want when overseas. Always obtain a copy of the product disclosure statement and listen/ read the criteria questions carefully and answer them truthfully. I'm an insurance broker and would not take on a client that suggested their medical conditions should not be declared. Quite often once declared you still pay the same price but anything to do with the recent treatment or contrition will be excluded, each insurance company has different terms and conditions. I'm going to Europe in 2 months and I have cover for everything else just nothing relating to bc, so be it I wouldn't be going if I wasn't fit I really just want it in the event of an accident etc. best advice, be honest and shop around xx

  • TinaW
    TinaW Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies, I'm not sure which travel agent Louie spoke to but it is incorrect. If you do not declare your medical conditions when asked it could put your whole cover in jeopardy in the event of a medical claim and it's the last thing you want when overseas. Always obtain a copy of the product disclosure statement and listen/ read the criteria questions carefully and answer them truthfully. I'm an insurance broker and would not take on a client that suggested their medical conditions should not be declared. Quite often once declared you still pay the same price but anything to do with the recent treatment or contrition will be excluded, each insurance company has different terms and conditions. I'm going to Europe in 2 months and I have cover for everything else just nothing relating to bc, so be it I wouldn't be going if I wasn't fit I really just want it in the event of an accident etc. best advice, be honest and shop around xx

  • margiemoo
    margiemoo Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2015


    What company did you use Tina. I am happy to declare my BC and will be over my treatment by the time this comes around. And like you if I thought I was not fit or well enough to travel I would have to cancel. I just want to be covered for accidents, loss of luggage, etc. and really hoping not to use it! 


