Day 3 since The News

Karen T
Karen T Member Posts: 95
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Hi Everyone, 

I didnt expect to be in a network for breast cancer - newly married and upped my health cover a year ago with the thought of having children not getting part (or maybe all) of my boob chopped off!!

I got the news Friday afternoon and today being Monday the fog in my brain has started to lift a bit to read the booklets I was given and to sign up here to learn from others going through this and hopefully help people with my ramble too.

This all started just over a year ago for me when I started getting a discharge from my left nipple. Off I went to my GP who did a breast exam and speculated that it might just be lactation and nothing to worry about.  A few months past and it got worse. It was a yellowish colour and was worrying me so I went back.  This time off for an ultrasound.   The ultrasound showed a small 'blocked duct'.  Once again I was told not to worry.

More months go by and its getting worse. Back to the GP AGAIN. This time speculation that I might just have been on the pill too long and its hormonal. Blood tests, a swab and told to stop taking the pill.

More time passes and the boob starts to feel tender. Back to the doc again. This time I see someone different (its at a clinic where there are about 6 different doctors). This one refers me to Dr Caroline Baker as a non urgent referal.  Three Months wait to see her the appointment goes quickly and easily. Suspected Papillomas which are ninety-something percent of the time benign so just need a mamagram, ultrasound and biopsys to be sure.

Turns out I had 2 lumps. 6 biopsys taken and both are cancer.

Dont really know all the lingo yet but they are primary, grade 1 &2 and in the same duct of the breast.  An MRI will tell me if there is more that cant be seen in the ultrasound.

Not sure when this will all feel real. Need to save my sick leave for the surgery/treatment so work as normal tomorrow which should be interesting!

I believe that a positive attitude and a sence of humour can make the world of difference so hoping I can keep them with me for this ride ahead!





  • Liztay82
    Liztay82 Member Posts: 213
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to the group the ladies here a very helpfull I have had my lump removed 6 nodes I'm her2 postive I've just had my second dose of chemo ac 4 cycles every 3 weeks last Wednesday I was the same with work I'm currently not working due to me working in childcare so I'm off till treatments are done and dusted but one thing I never knew and wish someone told me or even work at that matter check ure super u might have income protection I'm likely to have this and this is what my wage is I used all my sick and holidays but ring and find out good luck with ure MRI
  • Liztay82
    Liztay82 Member Posts: 213
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to the group the ladies here a very helpfull I have had my lump removed 6 nodes I'm her2 postive I've just had my second dose of chemo ac 4 cycles every 3 weeks last Wednesday I was the same with work I'm currently not working due to me working in childcare so I'm off till treatments are done and dusted but one thing I never knew and wish someone told me or even work at that matter check ure super u might have income protection I'm likely to have this and this is what my wage is I used all my sick and holidays but ring and find out good luck with ure MRI
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to the online network,where you will find all the support that you need. 8 months ago I was diagnosed,and I was scared witless.I am a lot older than you, but this damm disease doesn't discriminate when it comes to age!I want to tell you,that I have finished all my treatment,and I feel GREAT !! I agree with you so much when you say a sense of humour and positive attitude are important.I have tried very hard all the way through my diagnosis and treatment,to " keep my chin up" ,and on the days that you feel like crap,I believe that you feel a little better than you would have,if you try to smile!But of course,you also need to feel the other emotions that come with this diagnosis.Sad,angry,frustrated etc. Once you have all your tests completed,and you have a plan for treatment,you will feel a lot more in control.Remember that these days,BC is very treatable,and most ladies go on to live long healthy lives.Stay in touch on here and let us know how you get on.Sending you a big hug.xoxRobyn
  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Welcome to our site and I am so sorry for your news, its not easy to hear those words and not at all what you would have been hoping for.

    This group of women are fantastic, so supportive and everyone is helpful without pushing.

    You need all the humour you can muster some days just to get through the rounds of doctors and treatments that may be required so its helpful that you are feeling positive.

    Stay in touch and let us know how you go.

    Sending you cyber hugs


  • AnneD
    AnneD Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015


    Welcome Karen and sorry to hear your news, it's pretty daunting when you first hear those words. I too upped my health cover last July to the top level as I was getting 'older' - late forties. In March when I was diagnosed, I was so grateful I had. That alone will take some pressure off you hopefully.

    Ask any questions you have here, everyone is very helpful. You will probably find that the archives will answer some of them too. I am in Perth and work as a state public servant. I am able to use my next's years sick leave early if I need to so that is my plan if I need more than I currently have. Check the Award you work under and see if it is a possibility. And yes, your positive attitude and sense of humour will defintiely help! There is so much you will learn in the next few weeks and you will feel like your own expert before you know it. Only go to this site or the official government ones for any information you want. If you do a general Google search, you may just freak yourself out :-)

    Best wishes and please keep us posted on your journey

    Anne xo



  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    some supers call it disability and even though you think this isn't included it is.

    The doctors will complete all the paperwork, so its worth checking becasue the last thing you need is to be financially disadvantaged too.

    Take care


  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    some supers call it disability and even though you think this isn't included it is.

    The doctors will complete all the paperwork, so its worth checking becasue the last thing you need is to be financially disadvantaged too.

    Take care
