Face to Face get together

On the 13th March I met with a few ladies at the Dandylion and Driftwood Cafe at 1/45 Gerler Rd Hendra. It was a great experience and the ladies shared information and offered support as required. All present agreed to meet again and this has been arranged for Saturday 26th April at 2.00pm same place. We would love to welcome more ladies so if you are interested please come along.
I woiuld like to offer my apology for taking so long to follow up with information about our previous meeting. My excuse is that I have been without internet for a few weeks. SOOO!!! frustrating. i had not realised how much I use it. However all is good now and I am back on line. Looking forward to our nect meeting. Take care all you wonderful women . Love Lorraine
Hi Lorraine, Look forward to meeting more SE Qld BCNA members - if I'm not on the side of a soccer field cheering on my son, I'll be there.
regards, Linda
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Hi Lorraine, Look forward to meeting more SE Qld BCNA members - if I'm not on the side of a soccer field cheering on my son, I'll be there.
regards, Linda
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Hi Linda, Looking forwrd to seeing you again,
Cheers Lorraine
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Hi Linda, Looking forwrd to seeing you again,
Cheers Lorraine