monday the 10th

sharon robertson
sharon robertson Member Posts: 84
edited January 2011 in Day to day

ok well i went to my appointment today and really im not too much the wiser....i am going to peninsula private next thursday for surgery to remove the lump and also some lymph glands they will also take some surrounding tissue and send it all away to be tested and then if there is any pre cancerous tissue i will go back and have a mastectomy mind you because im not very big he might have to do that anyway so as you can see im still not sure .... he did say though that the type of cancer is hormone receptive and i havnt really researched exactly what that means yet but if anyone has any information on that type i would really appreciate it.....the positive part is that he knows its not an aggressive type so thats one good step ......... im feeling a bit confused as so many people have said that i should just have the mastectomy first up as quite a few people have had the cancer come back and had to have the mastectomy anyway .but on thursday while im in the  hospital i will see the oncologist and he should be able to put more light on the situation ..... so thank you everyone for your support and now you know as much as i do ..... im now 1 more step closer so lets get on with it



  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015

    Hi Shaz

    Umm still sounds a bit confusing??  Did he mention what grade the cancer is?  (this means how aggressive it grows?  Grade 3 is the fastest growing).  Also Hormone receptive is a good thing, because at least they know that your cancer is 'fed" by  - estrigen or progesterone?? (depending on the exact pathology of the tumour) and there is medication to "turn off" the hormone that is feeding your cancer.  I do hope I am not confusing you more than you were already, but this is how best to explain it. 

    Dont let people tell you whether to have the mastecomy or not, this is a very personal decision based on the facts for your particular cancer.  Be guided by what information the surgeon gives you, the size of the tumour, the grade of the tumour and the statistics for reoccurance, so dont be confused.  There is no right or wrong answer until you have all the facts and speak with all the medical team.

    Take time to process all the information given to you and then make an inforrmed decision.  I chose to have a bilaterial mastecomy, but my tumour was very large, very aggressive and I was very young with young children, and this is not something I would suggest to anyone else to do.  But at the time, based on the information available to me, it was something that I wanted to do.

    Good luck, hopefully you will be able to sleep tonight.


  • moira1
    moira1 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2015

    Confused???  you will be, unfortunatly when we start this journey we dont understand half the jargon thrown at us, but make sure you take notes down as questions come into your head, that way when you do see the professionals you wont forget what you wanted to know, also i made sure my husband was with me every appointment as i thought i was taking it all in at the time, but i came out the room not knowing if my name was arthur or martha (its actually moira)lol, As for the decision about masectomy vs lumpectomy as tanya said it is a really personal decision and dont let anyone make it for you, mines was hormone receptive, and i had a lumpectomy, then the surgeon came back and said we are going to do a masectomy, anyway long story short i live in rural area, and the professionals in adelaide decided i wouldnt need it, i went with their decision as like you at the beginning i was confused and so i went with the flow, whatever they said i went with, anyway i did have chemo, radio and am on Arimidex tablets for 5 years, so all going well, it wont come back. but who knows. i know wish i had this site to be able to run things past others, and get information, even although the decisions have to be made by you. Please let us know how it goes, good luck Moira

  • moira1
    moira1 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2015

    Confused???  you will be, unfortunatly when we start this journey we dont understand half the jargon thrown at us, but make sure you take notes down as questions come into your head, that way when you do see the professionals you wont forget what you wanted to know, also i made sure my husband was with me every appointment as i thought i was taking it all in at the time, but i came out the room not knowing if my name was arthur or martha (its actually moira)lol, As for the decision about masectomy vs lumpectomy as tanya said it is a really personal decision and dont let anyone make it for you, mines was hormone receptive, and i had a lumpectomy, then the surgeon came back and said we are going to do a masectomy, anyway long story short i live in rural area, and the professionals in adelaide decided i wouldnt need it, i went with their decision as like you at the beginning i was confused and so i went with the flow, whatever they said i went with, anyway i did have chemo, radio and am on Arimidex tablets for 5 years, so all going well, it wont come back. but who knows. i know wish i had this site to be able to run things past others, and get information, even although the decisions have to be made by you. Please let us know how it goes, good luck Moira

  • PinkGilly
    PinkGilly Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sharon,

    My surgeon recommended a lumpectomy as he was convinced that only a small amount of tissue needed to be removed. Once the biopsy came back one margin wasn't clear and there were cancerous cells found away from the lump so I then had a mastectomy. I think surgeons like to try to preserve the breast if possible. It really is your decision and there is no right or wrong, only what feels comfortable with you. Hormone receptive means hormone therapy usually by way of a tablet once a day for at least 5 years. All the best with your decision and operation.

  • PinkGilly
    PinkGilly Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sharon,

    My surgeon recommended a lumpectomy as he was convinced that only a small amount of tissue needed to be removed. Once the biopsy came back one margin wasn't clear and there were cancerous cells found away from the lump so I then had a mastectomy. I think surgeons like to try to preserve the breast if possible. It really is your decision and there is no right or wrong, only what feels comfortable with you. Hormone receptive means hormone therapy usually by way of a tablet once a day for at least 5 years. All the best with your decision and operation.

  • sharon robertson
    sharon robertson Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015

    hi tanya

    no he didn't mention what grade or what type i have butt he did say it wasn't aggressive so thats a positive i am not over worrying im just going to take each day as it comes



  • sharon robertson
    sharon robertson Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015

    thanks moira yes i have noticed i seem to be learning another language with all the jargon but at least its keeping me on my toes as every time i hear a new word im straight on google lol


  • sharon robertson
    sharon robertson Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015

    yes i seem to be hearing your story quite a lot i suppose thats why im not sure but i am going to go with the lumpectomy and hope for the best

    thanks for sharing


  • GoldCoast Kath
    GoldCoast Kath Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sharon, I was diagnosed in June 2010, at 48 too. Had the lumpectomy, its so hard when the surgeon gives you the choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy, I almost would have preferred the surgeon made the decision. Also had to have a few lymph nodes out. Doing well, about 2 weeks of radiotherapy left to go. If there's any questions I can help you with, feel free, good luck for thurs, and stay in touch, Kath

  • GoldCoast Kath
    GoldCoast Kath Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sharon, I was diagnosed in June 2010, at 48 too. Had the lumpectomy, its so hard when the surgeon gives you the choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy, I almost would have preferred the surgeon made the decision. Also had to have a few lymph nodes out. Doing well, about 2 weeks of radiotherapy left to go. If there's any questions I can help you with, feel free, good luck for thurs, and stay in touch, Kath

  • GoldCoast Kath
    GoldCoast Kath Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sharon, I was diagnosed in June 2010, at 48 too. Had the lumpectomy, its so hard when the surgeon gives you the choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy, I almost would have preferred the surgeon made the decision. Also had to have a few lymph nodes out. Doing well, about 2 weeks of radiotherapy left to go. If there's any questions I can help you with, feel free, good luck for thurs, and stay in touch, Kath

  • sharon robertson
    sharon robertson Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015

    ok thanks kath 

    did you have to have chemo and was yours hormone receptive as well  and what type is it ......phew take a breath sharon lol..... im glad your going well 


  • GoldCoast Kath
    GoldCoast Kath Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015

    Hi shaz, yep, had the works, 6 rounds of chemo, not as bad as I thought it would be actually. Yes my tumour was grade 3, oestrogen receptive, so am on the tablets now for 5 yrs. Instant menopause was a bit annoying, but hey, that's what had to be done. How old are your kids? Mine are 16 and 14. Take care, Kath x

  • sharon robertson
    sharon robertson Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015

    thats good then about the chemo not being so bad and i do presume i will have the tablets i have already gone through menopause as i had a hysterectomy a few years ago but he did mention the hormone blockers i will have to take ...... hope that doesn't mean i have to go through it again cause that would be a pain.....but in saying that the alternative would be worse lol...... my boys are 19 and 22 both are in the army and navy so im glad they wont be here while i go through the treatment 

    anyway thanks for your support 


  • viperviv
    viperviv Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2015

    Well Shazza as you know had my 6months check yesterday all ok.. I am on tablets this time for 5 yrs  first 3 yrs was tomixfen was changed last yr to a stronger more expensive tablet Onocologist said to give system a boost. Think only another 18months on these.  Thank goodness for our NHS. Have a mammogram booked for August on other breast,I had  some lymph nodes removed as well in 2007 none there so i was lucky. Anyway good luck for Thursday decision is yours and yours alone thinking of you hun xoxoxo