Introducing me

Penny01 Member Posts: 3
edited November 2013 in Newly diagnosed

Hi ladies,

I've was diagnosed with early breast cancer on 5th November, and I'm still reeling with the shock.  I guess we all feel that it couldn't happen to us and when it does, it's so hard to accept.  Since then I've felt like I'm having a very long nightmare and I'm still waiting to wake up.

I've gone through all the blood tests and scans necessary to assist the doctors in deciding on my treatment.  I was surprised to find that I'm actually starting on chemotherapy before an operation, and I would love to hear from any ladies in the same situation.

I haven't been very active on this site up until now as I've felt completely overwhelmed by everything.  Yesterday I tackled the 'Guide for women with early breast cancer' and managed to concentrate better and retain the information.  One of your lovely ladies told me that information is power, so I'm doing my best to become more empowered.

First meeting with the Oncologist on Monday - wish me luck.



  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Hi Penny,  I was diagnosed on the very same day as you.  Melbourne Cup Day!  Everyone seemed so excited and I was beside myself with fear.  My story is a little different as I have had a mastectomy last week (20th) have had my bone scan & CT which both came back clear.  I am due to go back to see my surgeon next Tuesday for results of histology and learn what the next steps will be. 

    There are other ladies on this site who have had chemo before operation and I am sure you will hear from them.  Have you received My Journey Kit from BCNA yet.  You will find information in there about the order in which you are being managed which will be helpful in reducing your anxiety. 

    Sounds like I have it all together doesn't?  I am trying really hard to day to look on the bright side as yesterday I was a mess and didn't leave the lounge all day,   I found trying to co-ordinate arrangements to see my GP on Friday too difficult.  I can't drive yet so am at the mercy of friends and family all who have very busy lives. 

    I have only been on this site for a couple of days, but already I am finding it very helpful and don't feel so alone.

    All the very best with your appointment on Monday with your Oncologist.  I am sure you are going to be in good hands.

    Best wishes


  • Penny01
    Penny01 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Yes - Melbourne Cup Day will never be the same for me again.  I'm glad your bone and CT scan came back clear - as did mine.  I did receive My Journey and have taken a quick peek at the literature when I feel strong enough.  I may have another go today.  I'm the same as you - my moods swing between feeling really positive to the lowest of depression and I'm still trying to get it under control.  I'm dreading the appointment on Monday as I will have to face my fear head on and deal with it.  I will have lots of support though as my hubby will be coming with me.  He's hardly left my side since the diagnosis and I really don't know what I'd do without him. 

    Good luck with your journey Joy.  I'm here to chat if you need me.


  • Penny01
    Penny01 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Robyn.  I suppose I've been lucky in a way as I've had time to assess the situation and am closer to making a better informed decision about my surgery.  I do feel more settled now that I've read the book but I'm not motivated to read much more as I think I reached information overload yesterday.

    Good luck with your treatment.  Mine starts next week and I'm ready.....

  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    I am glad your husband is so supportive.  My husband is also - definitely my rock and will be coming with me on Tuesday to see my surgeon. 

    When I first received My Journey, I like you couldn't read much of it - it scared me, so I put it away and now look at it just when I feel I need a little more information.  It is going to take time to get our heads around what has happened and what we have to do. 

    I am here for you too Penny. 

    Best wishes


  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to this very precious network. I believe we are all Pink Warriors here and can tackle this long hard 'journey'. Robyn is right, knowledge IS power but don't use the 'google' machine too much. Stick to the recommended sites and you will find all the info you need. I fell into the mistake of googling too much and gave myself the heebie jeebies. Too much rubbish out there. Well I'm hopefully nearing the end of my journey and I just wanted to let you know that all of us who have or are walking in your shoes are here to hold you hand and help you through. You can come on here without judgement, ask questions, ramble on, rant and rave and get things off you chest (pardon the pun).

    So I'm sending you good vibes and keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well for you and you get through with relative ease. Hope you'll be one of the lucky ones in that :)

    Love Janey xxx
  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Welcome to the site, I know its not a sought after club but its the most supportive place you will even go to I assure you.

    I so remember that feeling of fear before going to my Oncologist, would she make me do the dreaded chemo and how would it be. Anticipation is always worse than participation. My oncologist was wornderful she explained everything, she drew pitures and gave me time to absorb, I hope yours does the same for you.

    I had my chemo after my breast surgery, unfortunately I was one of the unblucky ladies that didn't have a clear CT scan so it was more surgery but that was after my chemo and whilst chemo isn't pleasant we survuve it and are here to tell the tale and support you through it.

    Good luck for Monday and just take one day at a time.

