
Hi ladies,
I am a 31 year old who was diagnosed with a 12mm invasive ductal carcinoma back in Jan 12, I have undergone a masectomy to have my left breast removed and am taking Zolodex for 5 years.
I was told I needed to have 4 months of chemo but underwent a test in America called Oncotype DX (costs a small fortune but is worth it) which tests the cancer to see how it responds to treatment first.
I didn't know what to expect and prepared myself for the chemo. The results came back the day after I completed my IVF and my oncologist told me that my tumour didn't respond much to the chemo so having it would only make a 1% difference to my outcome. This was the best news at such a dark time in my life. Not many people (apart from my family and closest friends interstate) know about my cancer as I didn't lose my hair so I didn't experience what most people have been through. In a way this has been hard as I kept my secret inside and didn't share my pain with anyone as no one knew I had BC.
I am now just starting to share my story with others on this website to try and let go of the emotional scars left behind.
Its nice to see a forum set up for younger ladies, it is hard when you are young and preparing to start a family and a life one minute then getting torn down by breast cancer the next..
Hugs and kisses to you all xox
understand how it feels - you are not alone.
Thank you for sharing your story.
I was diagnosed at 28 and didnt undergo chemo either and my cancer would not respond to chemo. I too was ready to start a family. then cancer hyjacked my life.
My cancer returned at 29 and i underwent IVF, chemo, rads and more surgery and started 5 years of Zoladex and Tamoxifen. Im now 30 and cancer free.
Glad you found this online network.
Love and Light to you.
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its great you have come on here and shared your story! As a young women its amazing how cancer can make you feel for many years after treatment and talking is the best way to get things out! Have you had reconstruction yet?
I was diganosed when i was 24 im 26 now. I had to have a right masectomy, chemotheropy, raidation and five years of tamfoxin.
This year i found out I have the BRCA gene so that has ment another masectomey and a full husterectomy.
I can understand how you feel if I did not loose my hair I would of keped it quiet like you did. Expecally being young its hard as not many people can relate in your real life.
Its amazing you got that test done and did not have to go through chemo. Breast cancer is still a long and hard and sometimes it feels like the journey will never end.
Anyway always here if you need to talk as its the best way to overcome all those emotions!
take care
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Hi Annie,
Geez, I thought taking the Zolodex for 5 years was a bad gig! You poor thing having to put up with both drugs, are they both administred by needle in the stomach?
Yes, I also get the night sweats, hot flushes and sometimes feel quite emotional. Weight gain is also another one, I used to very slim and have quite a good metabolism but now I just need to look at a piece of cake and it goes to my butt! And it is almost impossible to shift the extra kilos. I have learnt to embrace my new curves and bought some new clothes, I just hope I don't keep getting any bigger because I am a real foodie and am not one for eating lettuce leaves and carrot sticks for the next 5
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Hi Sam,
Wow, what a battle you have been through! A part of me can't help but feel guilty about feeling sad about my cancer when I see how much other ladies like yourself have been through or are still going through. Its just not fair...
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Hi Bronwyn,
I can't believe how many young women are on this site, I really only started looking at this site after coming down with depression once my surgery was over. I guess putting on a brave face, and being strong for my partner and family didn't allow me to express my own emotions and it all built up inside. It's great to speak to other young women who have been through so much themselves. It's a little theraputic but also scary seeing the reality of breast cancer affecting so many young unsuspecting women.
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Hi Mona, yes very true, I guess thats why it has taken me so long to get on this website and start talking about my experience as I felt selfish talking about my situation when others are going through so much more. I was told by my doctor that I needed to have 4 months of chemo. It wasn't until I did the research into the side effects(both short and long term) and devastation that the drugs cause to your body that I became so against it. Having the Oncotype DX test relieved the feelings of guilt I had about fears of it returning because of the decision I had made not to have the chemo.
Treatment not only depends on the type of cancer you have but also the doctor you have, there are so many different opinions from different doctors. At the end of the day, I'm glad I did my research and sought other options available.
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Hi Kylie,
Before posting this reply, I looked at your profile and a sense of sadness came over me. You are the same age as me and obviously a dog lover like myself and it hits home a little that this crappy (to put it lightly) cancer doesn't discriminate and can affect anyone. Like myself, you were young and unsuspecting that anything like this can happen at such a young age. We were too busy out having fun with our friends and enjoying life to worry about getting cancer then it hits..... you seem like such a trooper and I know it must be hard to stay positive in your situation. Keep smiling through Smiley Ky xx
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Hi Sophie,
You are my last reply for today (I didn't know how many people were going to reply to my post), it has been really nice to recieve so many kind messages from so many other girls in the same boat. Yes I have undergone a recon, I had an expander and implant put in, still waiting to have a nipple put on but not in a hurry for that. I have not had the gene testing done yet but my doctor keeps insisting I have it. (so expensive)
To have a histerectomy and a double mascectomy at your age must be so hard. You truly are an inspiration, I hope this journey gets easier for you and will be here also if you ever need an ear to listen xx
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Hi there, I had the test in Australia and it cost me around the $4000 mark and they send the results to America. I was against paying that sort of money but my partner insisted. I wasn't expecting the results to come back being positive so I underwent IVF in the lead up to my chemo whilst I was waiting for the test results. The day after my IVF finished, my oncologist called to give me the test results and the great news that I didn't need the chemo. Although the debt was huge, it was worth every penny as I avoided unnessisary chemo and all the side effects that come with it. I agree that it is unfair that this test is not subsidised here, I'm still paying back the loan.....