
kayep Member Posts: 20
edited 2013 04 in Newly diagnosed

Hi Everyone

Well found out on the 17th Oct i have breast cancer!! I still waiting for specialist appointment on the 7th Nov to find out more information. Would like to hear from anyone who just wants to chat or has some advice.







  • peggysue
    peggysue Member Posts: 44
    edited 2015 03

    So sorry to  hear that you have BC.  The start of the journey is the hardest.  Waiting for appointments, results of tests etc...I remember those days well.  It was Nov 2012 when I was diagnosed, it seems so long ago now.  Once you know what you are dealing with and have a treatment plan in place who will feel you have much more control.  You will find a lot of support from the other ladies on this site.  Take one day at a time.   


    Linda.  xx


  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited 2015 03

    Hi Kaye,

    My best advice is stay in contact with the extraordinary women here.  They are just wonderful.  I was diagnosed beginning of October, had a single mastectomy (RH) on the 18th.  I go to the oncologist on the 22nd Nov.

    My second best advice is to slow down (rich coming from me because I overdid it yesterday and couldn't even cook dinner) and don't push getting well too quickly or too hard.

    As Deanne said, it is a roller coaster of emotions, some days you fall to pieces, other days you're fine, strong and ready to take on more.  Just go with it.

    Jodie and I were operated on on the same day, different towns and hospitals so we're only a few weeks ahead of you.  Welcome !

    Cas xx

  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited 2015 03

    Hi Kaye,

    My best advice is stay in contact with the extraordinary women here.  They are just wonderful.  I was diagnosed beginning of October, had a single mastectomy (RH) on the 18th.  I go to the oncologist on the 22nd Nov.

    My second best advice is to slow down (rich coming from me because I overdid it yesterday and couldn't even cook dinner) and don't push getting well too quickly or too hard.

    As Deanne said, it is a roller coaster of emotions, some days you fall to pieces, other days you're fine, strong and ready to take on more.  Just go with it.

    Jodie and I were operated on on the same day, different towns and hospitals so we're only a few weeks ahead of you.  Welcome !

    Cas xx

  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited 2015 03

    Hi Kaye,

    My best advice is stay in contact with the extraordinary women here.  They are just wonderful.  I was diagnosed beginning of October, had a single mastectomy (RH) on the 18th.  I go to the oncologist on the 22nd Nov.

    My second best advice is to slow down (rich coming from me because I overdid it yesterday and couldn't even cook dinner) and don't push getting well too quickly or too hard.

    As Deanne said, it is a roller coaster of emotions, some days you fall to pieces, other days you're fine, strong and ready to take on more.  Just go with it.

    Jodie and I were operated on on the same day, different towns and hospitals so we're only a few weeks ahead of you.  Welcome !

    Cas xx

  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited 2015 03

    You couldn't have come to a better place for understanding, support and advice.  When you find out your pathology, there will be women here who have experienced the same thing and will have all sorts of tips to help you along the way.  Have you ordered your My Journey kit from the site yet?  At the foot of this page under resources - and it is a wealth of information for all stages of the journey.

    I was diagnosed last year, had 2 surgeries, chemo and rads, and am now living my "new normal".  There is light at the end of the tunnel, so just take things one day at a time, start your home file folder to keep things straight, and write down any questions for your Specialist.  The My Journey kit helps you with this - and everything else.

    Come and chat whenever you feel the need - we will be here for you.  All the best, and a big hug,

    Michelle xx

  • kayep
    kayep Member Posts: 20
    edited 2015 03

    Hi Deanne


    Thanks for your information, I have been told by my local GP that it will be a overload of information on thursday but I have someone to come with me.

    Will let you know how i go xxKaye


  • kayep
    kayep Member Posts: 20
    edited 2015 03

    Hi Cas


    Thank you for your advice well we are close to together with diagnosed results hey. I am a normally active person and now im not allow to work. I find it very hard to sit still. I hope everything goes well for you on the 22th.

    Look forward to chatting again soon.



  • kayep
    kayep Member Posts: 20
    edited 2015 03

    Hi Michelle


    Yes have ordered the pack it sound very good.  Thank you for your kind words.

    Will keep chatting with you all to get me through this part of a challenge.


    Kaye xx

  • kayep
    kayep Member Posts: 20
    edited 2015 03

    Hi linda


    Yes finding it hard the waiting game. But nothing I can do about it. Does everyone have a full body scan or am i the only one? apparently my local GP said they will give me a full body scan first to see if the cancer has spread and then they will do more tests to find out what cancer and what stage it is.


    Kaye xx

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited 2015 03
    I think most people have scans. I had a bone scan and CT scan. Very scarey. I found myself looking at the radiologists faces trying to see if they looked as though they were seeing something. It was all good though, just the breast and nodes to deal with!
    :) Deanne xx
  • kayep
    kayep Member Posts: 20
    edited 2015 03

    Oh ok will do thanks


    xx Kaye

  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited 2015 03
    Hi Kaye,

    As cas said, it's a massive roller coaster of emotions. There is so much to take in with all the appointments and information.

    I had bone and ct scans the day before my mastectomy and axillary clearance. (Same day as the lovely cas).

    I'm starting chemo this Wednesday. I have learnt so much from the lovely ladies here who are always there to lean on. They understand what we are going through because they have been there too xx

    The thing I've learnt is to stop and breathe. I was so consumed I couldn't function, but I'm getting better now..

    I'm a newbie, but here for you xxx

  • kayep
    kayep Member Posts: 20
    edited 2015 03

    Hi Janey


    Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.

    Kaye xx

  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited 2015 03

    Jodie !  I meant to tell you this morning.  I've also found a Facebook page of breast cancer ladies.  A lot of them American, but some from Canada, Ireland, Scotland.  All just as lovely as you guys are.

    Have a look.

    I found out a lot about chemo from them this morning.  I feel much better now that I have an idea of what goes on.
    Cas X

  • kayep
    kayep Member Posts: 20
    edited 2015 03



    Yes it is a roller coaster. I am getting very tired a left work last thursday and have no energy for anything have slept all day today and still feel yuk. I wish you all the very best for your operations.

    Talk soon.


