BCNA member to share her nipple tattoo journey on SBS

Laura Crowden
Laura Crowden Member Posts: 109
edited October 2013 in Community news and events

BCNA member Cass Boyle will share her nipple tattoo journey through a documentary to screen on SBS 2 this Thursday 17 October.

“My nipples won’t work, they don’t function, they won’t function, they never will. But I don’t care, they look real, they feel real. They give me the ability to look back in the mirror and to like what I see again, to wear what I want to wear. I feel like I’m getting my foundations back and I don’t care that they’re artificial foundations, they’re my foundations.” - BCNA member Cass Boyle.

The Feed tells the incredible story of 37 year old Cass Boyle who finds closure in her three year battle with breast cancer. Her journey to this moment has included a mastectomy, chemotherapy and a breast reconstruction. Presenter Andy Park reports on the final step in her journey; nipple tattoos.

The Feed: Nipple tattoos - my breast cancer journey Thursday October 17, 7.30pm on SBS 2

You can watch a trailer for the program via YouTube.