Newly Diagnosed

Sharl Member Posts: 19
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Well after  being recalled to breastscreen for further testing i was given the news that I had breast cancer on the 3rd Sept 2013...oh my what a brick wall i hit:)

So this is how my "journey" started after a few tests and a visit with a surgeon I'm off for a "Bilateral Mastectomy" which is happening next tues.

I dont have any doubts about doing this but my head sometimes strays and negative thoughts creep i think I'm just needing some reassurance from those who have been through it especially those who did not have reconstructive surgery straight away.

Thanks and am looking forward to your comments:)



  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    I was diagnosed on the 2nd September,and had my mastectomy on the was my first time ever in a hospital,and I was pretty damm scared.anyway,the ladies on here reassured me that it was very doable,and do you know what?- it was.i came home after 3 days,and the pain was minimal.sleeping on my back was the hardest thing for not sure how much harder it will be with a bilateral,but I'm sure it would have its own challenges.i wish you all the best,and I have found that reading what I can,and talking on this site,has really helped me.
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    I was diagnosed on the 2nd September,and had my mastectomy on the was my first time ever in a hospital,and I was pretty damm scared.anyway,the ladies on here reassured me that it was very doable,and do you know what?- it was.i came home after 3 days,and the pain was minimal.sleeping on my back was the hardest thing for not sure how much harder it will be with a bilateral,but I'm sure it would have its own challenges.i wish you all the best,and I have found that reading what I can,and talking on this site,has really helped me.
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,836
    edited March 2015

    Sorry about your bc diagnosis but welcome to this network. I've had bc twice and the last time was in 2010 when I had a left mastectomy. I was high on pain killers when my dressing came off and I looked at my chest.I recommend this cos I seemed quite ok about it ,which really surprised me.I was in hospital for 3 days and came home with a drain in. The pain wasn't too bad cos your chest ends up being numb.The drain will be a pain and a nuisance but usually comes out a week later.I haven't had any reconstruction,just use a prosthesis in a mastectomy bra.I got fitted for it about 6 weeks post op.Have you had the Berlei bra and soft forms ordered for you from this network?I'm not ruling out recon cos I don't like being lopsided but I'm in no hurry.Blog back here if you have any questions.We all support each other at this network cos we know what you are going through. sending hugs, Tonya xx

  • Melanie Durdle
    Melanie Durdle Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2015

    It is very scaring. I found that some people turn your back on you. Other people have been great. You go through every emotion so good to talk about it with your loved ones. I have just finished treatment. Now I wait if the cancer is goe or not

  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    I had my bilateral mastectomy on Sept 10 although I also had immediate reconstruction. So my experience isn't quite the thing you want to hear about. However I do want to let you know that three weeks out of my op I am feeling better than I thought I would. I do not miss my old breasts as I considered them my enemy and what had made me sick in the first place. Whether you decide on reconstruction or not, you will be amazed at how well you will do when you think that you are getting rid of the BC. It is tough, I'll not gloss over that but very doable as you'll hear from lovely ladies here. I never thought of myself as particularly strong but I have found my inner strength and with the help of your family and the wonderful support from our amazing Pink Sisters, you will find your strength too.
    Love and hugs to you
    Janey xxx
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    I had a mastectomy (left side only for now) in May this year. It has been full speed ahead since then with 4 months of Chemo (finished 2 weeks ago) and 5 weeks of radiotherapy to start next week.

    I had little trouble recovering from the surgery (had 8 nodes removed as well) and only spent 1 night in hospital because I had excellent support from family at home.

    I manage well with the temporary prosthesis still at this stage (with radiation to get through) but hope to be fitted for a proper prosthesis next week, as I want to get back into swimming. You can get special ones for swimming I am told. Medicare also reimburse you for $400 of the cost of prosthesis and you can get this for replacement ones every 2 years if need be.

    I think that I will probably investigate into having a second mastectomy and double reconstruction down the track but need to give my skin time to recover after radiation.

    If there is anything else you are wondering about I would be happy to answer your questions if I can. I do know there are a few other ladies who have had double mastectomies without immediate reconstruction just recently.

    Hope your op goes as well as possible.
    Take care.
    Deanne xxx
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sharl, I have had bilateral mastectomies as well. Initially I just had the breast removed that had cancer present. I had chemo, and once I recovered from that, I went ahead and had a second mastectomy, and the beginning of reconstruction. My surgeon recommended that I should give my body 6 months to recover from the chemo. I used an external prosthesis for the 9 months up to this surgery, and it was quite ok. Having the reconstruction at a later date, lessens the risk of complications, and isn't as painful. I never found my first mastectomy to be painful, and when the expanders were put in 9 months later, it wasn't too bad. The painful one was the immediate reconstruction side, and this felt like I had a truck sitting on my chest. I also had a major bleed on this side 3 weeks later and needed surgery to drain the clot. This has healed without issues, and this immediate recon side is more natural looking than the delayed side. So, what I am saying is, there are pros and cons with either way, but for me the least painful way was delaying the procedure. I have photos on the Reconstruction site if you want to have a look. You will need to become a member, but that is easy. Just find the group on this site, and then request membership. Take care, and good luck with everything. Love Chris xx
  • Sharl
    Sharl Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    WOW....i can't thank you all enough:) It is truely inspiring to read your comments. Yes I do feel my breasts have betrayed me and they are the enemy just like you Janey so am feeling quite 'pumped' about them going. But i guess the hard part will come in the following months once reality hits and I know what further treatment I will need etc.

    I received my berlei bra and cotton prothesis today and it gave me a good i was thinking i was going to get rid of my huge bust and bra but they look about the same size lol I think my breast care nurse must have recommended the wrong size and the thought of pulling the stuffing out and possibly being lopsided made me laugh even more.

    I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my sense of humour but its whats getting me through this:)

    Keep the comments coming it is lovely to know there are others out there!!

  • Sharl
    Sharl Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    WOW....i can't thank you all enough:) It is truely inspiring to read your comments. Yes I do feel my breasts have betrayed me and they are the enemy just like you Janey so am feeling quite 'pumped' about them going. But i guess the hard part will come in the following months once reality hits and I know what further treatment I will need etc.

    I received my berlei bra and cotton prothesis today and it gave me a good i was thinking i was going to get rid of my huge bust and bra but they look about the same size lol I think my breast care nurse must have recommended the wrong size and the thought of pulling the stuffing out and possibly being lopsided made me laugh even more.

    I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my sense of humour but its whats getting me through this:)

    Keep the comments coming it is lovely to know there are others out there!!

  • Melanie Durdle
    Melanie Durdle Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2015

    Humour is how I dealt with my cancer journey. You have to deal with it the best way you know how. Keep our spirits up. 

  • Melanie Durdle
    Melanie Durdle Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2015

    Humour is how I dealt with my cancer journey. You have to deal with it the best way you know how. Keep our spirits up. 

  • Melanie Durdle
    Melanie Durdle Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2015

    Humour is how I dealt with my cancer journey. You have to deal with it the best way you know how. Keep our spirits up. 

  • Melanie Durdle
    Melanie Durdle Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2015

    Humour is how I dealt with my cancer journey. You have to deal with it the best way you know how. Keep your spirits up. 

  • Melanie Durdle
    Melanie Durdle Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2015

    Humour is how I dealt with my cancer journey. You have to deal with it the best way you know how. Keep your spirits up. 

  • Melanie Durdle
    Melanie Durdle Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2015

    Humour is how I dealt with my cancer journey. You have to deal with it the best way you know how. Keep your spirits up.