What Do You Wear to a Breast MRI?

Quote of the day....."The best way to eat an elephant is in small bites" (provided by a client of my darling friend Jodi).
So here we are at week three with the MRI done this morning at the SAN. And I'm serious about the clothing thing. I wasn't sure whether to go for comfort and slightly daggy in trackies, or do I dress to impress. I chose the latter, more for my own sake, and wore by favourite (yet comfotable) Desigual top. Not that I should've worried - two clinic gowns later and I should've opted for the trackies.
MRI machines are incredibe. In size, technology and in noise once you're inside it. I passed the technician my copy of Bob Dylan "Blood on the Tracks" hoping to hear strains of it while the machine was doing its thing, but probably only heard 30 seconds of music at any one time. Still was nice to have my own version of "Tangled up in Blue" going through my head. I was in there for about 30 mins, and managed to walk down Waitarere Beach about 3 times, renovate the house, and organise the shopping list for tomorrow. I was face down on the table with my little boobs hanging down into two holes. I was pleased to be face down - I got a bit claustrophobic half way through and probably wouldn't have liked the face up experience.
So...it all went as well as an MRI can go. Felt a bit sick from the dye that was injected for the last big scan but that didn't last long. Will wait to get the results, and if there are any other little buggers in there, I'll have an ultrasound / biopsy on Tuesday. Fingers crossed I get to spend Tuesday at home.
Its been a great weekend...lots of people Friday and Saturday. Cheryl and Gary are just about the leave for the airport (who will cook???) and Dad heads to NZ for just over a week for work tomorrow.
Heading out into the garden now to get rid of the onion weed...