
Hi ladies, I have been speaking to a few people latley who have had cancer and they said they take raw apricot kernal oil and hemp oil. I have not heard of this before. Was told it was good to stop cancer coming back.
Have any one heard of these before?
Hi Debbie J
Yes...I have heard of this being quite effective but I don't really know if it's true. I don't think it could hurt to try it anyway. Wish I had learnt about it way sooner because my cancer did come back in my bones In August 2011. However I'm doing quite well...listening to the oncology doctor and keeping positive. Chin up now. Keep smiling it makes a big difference. Love grandma57
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Hi Debbie,
How much of each do you take?
And how does it taste?
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Have not bought it yet. Was told 1 table spoon of each. Was wondering if anyone else takes it.?
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Hi Debbie,
Thanks for posting about this issue - it certainly crops up from time to time and is a great way to start the conversation on complementary medicines.
The Cancer Council has a great website called iHeard, where people can submit claims they have heard about cancer and its treatments, and the Cancer Council posts a response to let you know whether the claim is 'fact or fiction', based on the most up-to-date clinical evidence (or lack of).
I popped 'apricot' into the search field, and found that in fact, there is no evidence to support the use of apricots in curing cancer or stopping it from coming back. The explanation summarises the theory behind the myth, and the lack of research which I found quite interesting.
I couldn't find anything on hemp oil, so perhaps it's a good opportunity for you to ask the question, and see what they come back with? I'd be very interested to learn about hemp oil also.
~ Annie
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Thanks for your help. Will check it out.
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Thanks for your help. Will check it out.