The need to Share with my pink sisters

Mich x
Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
edited September 2013 in Day to day

Hey girls

I have been a little quiet on here lately (for me anyway) as a very wonderful man in our lives has passed away and it has been very hard for me, my husband and his beautiful mum and sisters. I have been trying to help them to keep it together as there is so much that needs to be organised and  all of which has been tough.

This man was no ordinary man.  Everyone you speak to says he was a good man.  He was an honourable man, he was loved by all.  He was classed as totally blind but still drove his gopher to the local IGA every day and did the shopping.  Everyone at IGA loved him.  He knew everyone by their voices.

He mowed all the neighbours lawns and verges and of course his own garden was immaculate.  He took in everyone's bins on bin day and put them out if they were away. It was on a day he was mowing all the lawns that he came inside and said to his beautiful wife I am not feeling well so went to lay down. It was at this time that he was having a massive heart attack. 

Everyone is so shocked cause it wasn't time for this beautiful man to be taken from our lives. He still had so much living and giving to do.

He ruled his family with an iron fist but never ever raised his hand or raised his voice.

We have been overwhelmed by all the amazingly beautiful flowers received.

His funeral has to be a fitting tribute to a very honourable and special loving and caring man.

It is amazing in that it doesn't matter how sad I am I still need to sit down with my morning coffee and chat away here or just read the latest posts from all my very very special pink sisters so I can start my day knowing my other family is still here with me

Luv u guys and so glad I have you all here as somehow you manage to give me strength.

Please take good care of yourselves.

Lots of love today, tomorrow and always, Mich xoxoxoxxoxo


  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    He sounds like a person who did not let obstacles stop him from getting on with life and even helping others.

    We can all learn from his great attitude. So sorry for everyone that he has been taken so suddenly.

    Take care and stay strong.
    Deanne xxxx
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    He sounds like a person who did not let obstacles stop him from getting on with life and even helping others.

    We can all learn from his great attitude. So sorry for everyone that he has been taken so suddenly.

    Take care and stay strong.
    Deanne xxxx
  • Pixie29
    Pixie29 Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2015
    Hi Mich
    So sorry to hear this tragic and sudden news for you and your family. He sounds like a truly amazing man, and I'm sure his funeral will be a fitting tribute to him, (especially with you being involved in the arrangements).
    You haven't been far from my thoughts, and I'm so happy to see you posting again as I know how much comfort it gives you to share with your pink sisters.
    When is the funeral? Just a text away if you need me...
    Love Vicki xoxoxox
  • Pixie29
    Pixie29 Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2015
    Hi Mich
    So sorry to hear this tragic and sudden news for you and your family. He sounds like a truly amazing man, and I'm sure his funeral will be a fitting tribute to him, (especially with you being involved in the arrangements).
    You haven't been far from my thoughts, and I'm so happy to see you posting again as I know how much comfort it gives you to share with your pink sisters.
    When is the funeral? Just a text away if you need me...
    Love Vicki xoxoxox
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    So sorry to hear about your friend.He sounds like an amazing man.It's harder to come to terms with when a loved one dies suddenly like that.Hope the funeral,although sad, celebrates his life.I think 2013 has been a bugger of a year for so many of us here.I hope you are keeping well Mich,no more scares. Thinking of you at this sad time.  Tonya xx

  • pisces_tas
    pisces_tas Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2015


    sounds like this man was your father in law? He sounds a lovely man.. and I am sorry to hear he passed so suddenly. Maybe you did not get to say goodbye?

     When my mother in law died on September 21 st. 2012, I went to the funeral, and the tears just flowed. She was also a lovely person and was brave until the end.

    Odd that her great grandson.. was born exactly  a month after her death.. on 21st October, 2012.. It was like her, to think of others and maybe she thought.. it might be easier  for the family to cope, if she died, before the birth of her first great grandchild? 

    Now I do not cry for her; I think I shed all the tears. She was 86 I think.or 87.

    Even though she was my " ex " MIL..she was always welcoming to people who visited, and would stop and offer a cup of tea, or her time..etc. I loved her.

    I am gratefulI I got the chance to visit her in the high care, aged hospital a few times before she passed.

    It sounds like you have been through an emotional roller coaster these last months.. TC Kathy.

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Thank you everyone for your beautiful kind words and support.

    Funeral is Tuesday which is going to be a very tough and sad day to get through.

    I have been asked to share with everyone the memories from his wife and his children so I am really honoured to be able to do this.  I just hope and pray I have the strength to carry this through on the day.

    By the way I love the new profile pic girls for Donna and Kathy, beautiful.

    Take care all my beautiful luvlies.

    Mich xoxoxoxoxooxoxox

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Thank you everyone for your beautiful kind words and support.

    Funeral is Tuesday which is going to be a very tough and sad day to get through.

    I have been asked to share with everyone the memories from his wife and his children so I am really honoured to be able to do this.  I just hope and pray I have the strength to carry this through on the day.

    By the way I love the new profile pic girls for Donna and Kathy, beautiful.

    Take care all my beautiful luvlies.

    Mich xoxoxoxoxooxoxox