
Well its confirmed - im now another statistic. I havebreast cancer. Our lives have changed dorever and I've been thrown head first on this tumultuous journey. Im devastated and sad - oh so sad!! Its a strange sad kind of like grief but not? Confused. Writing makes it better because I cant talk about it yet - too hard. Its a beautiful day and I should go for a walk.
Hello Rita,
I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and that you have found yourself on this site. You've come to the right place at such a sad time though - there's lots of women on here who have been exactly where you are that can share their experiences and provide support to you . Feel free to ask them anything and everything - you'll find plenty of lovely Pink Ladies happy to share.
You've obviously worked out this blogging caper, but just let us know if you have any questions at all about using the Online Network - we're always here to help.
Thea at BCNA x0 -
Hi Rita,
Yes what a horrible place to have to meet new people, however the ones that you do meet will give you the support & at times the strength & courage to face this journey. Always remember you do not have to do it alone & there will always be someone on here for you to talk to & someone who will reply with the right answer for your stage of this journey. I am half way through my chemo & have my good days & my hard days but you will be able to do this & the strength you will discover about yourself will amaze you & surprise you.
Just remember you are not alone & never will be.
Stay strong, Carolyn X
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Yes a lovely club which you never really wanted to know about a month past surgery and had my first appt at radiation hosptial today--it was quiet confronting although met with this very welcoming breast care nurse who just introduced herself; feel a bit of empathy for people on the journey; i had assumed i would be measured and good to go for next week but at least a few weeks away--part of you doesn t want the experience and the other part wants to get started now!
I was like you too--didnt want to talk about it but im beginning to get a bit better about it and today at a small gathering just responded to a question about why i had been away with the truth- everyone seems to know someone--but im gathering stories of women who have come through ---
best wishes
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I was diagnosed 2 months ago, so I really know how you are feeling. Try to stay positive, even though it is easier said than done. I hope your walked helped. A walk is always good to clear the head. Good luck and stay strong. xx
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I was diagnosed 2 months ago, so I really know how you are feeling. Try to stay positive, even though it is easier said than done. I hope your walked helped. A walk is always good to clear the head. Good luck and stay strong. xx
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I am now nearly at the end of my treatment and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. After having 6 months off work to get through chemo I am now back at work on reduced hours and loving it - my collegues are so great and have welcomed me back. I am half way through my radio theraphy and am finding it to be more of a hassle than anything else!! I'm hoping that I can get through the next 15 days without too much burning or adverse sideeffects.
I wanted to say that although I didn't blog through the last 6 months I have found much comfort in reading everyone else's experiences and thoughts and they have really helped me get through this experience. This is such a great network and I still come here daily just to read through the posts - I find it really comforting.
I'm also wondering if anyone can offer advice with respect to Tamoxifen, which I am due to start at the end of radio (end of April). I'm concerned about the risk of uterine cancer and have opted to have a full hysterectomy in the next couple of months. I'm just wondering if anyone can offer advice on the procedure.
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I'm glad that you have found the network has helped you through your treatment.
I completed my chemo and then my radiotherapy in November and have been on Tamoxifen for 4 months. I was really anxious at first but have honestly had very few side effects. I did have some nausea for the first couple of days but that soon settled. I have found regular exercise seems to counteract most of the usual side effects that can effect your everyday life. I have mild hot flushes but find these are mostly when I get stressed.
I take my tamoxifen at night with dinner and a whole glass of water. Sometimes this can mean that you sleep through any effects. It works for me so I hope that you find it ok too. Take care. Deanne xxx0