Free phone-based counselling - relationships and intimacy

Hi all,
Here at BCNA we know that for many women, a diagnosis of breast cancer can have an impact on your relationship and intimacy with your partner. Over time, we have seen a few blog posts pop up, where women have chosen to share their experiences on this important but personal issue.
I thought I would jump on here and let you know that the Cancer Council offers a free telephone counselling service for Australians affected by cancer who have intimacy and relationship concerns. The service links those concerned about body image, sexual confidence or relationships after cancer, and their partners, to a health professional that specialises in this area.
If you would like to schedule a free telephone counselling session, or ask any questions about the counselling service, phone the Cancer Council on 13 11 20.
I hope this service is of some help to you.
~ Annie
Thanks Annie for that info
I know how worried I felt about getting intimate with my gorgeous partner after my bilateral masectomy. He had been there for me every step of the way but i was still so scared and nervous about how he would react to my new body and the new me. I was only reading a post yesterday that was all too familiar to me about leaving your top on in bed etc.
I'm sure there may be ladies who are too embarrassed to discuss these sensitive issues with others here but who may be facing difficulties because of body image, affects of chemo and radiation as well as chemo induced menopause etc
Thanks again
Mel0 -
My pleasure Mel; and thanks for sharing your experience here. I'm sure it will help to normalise the experiences of other women reading