
Elizabby Member Posts: 3
edited June 2013 in General discussion

Hello, I was diagnosed with Stage 3A breast cancer just over 2 weeks ago. I've just had my first round of chemo and I feel terrible. Apparently I have six months of this before a mastectomy - since I need everything taken out anyway I don't see why I can't have the surgery straight away and skip all of this? I'm ER+ve, PR+ve HER2-ve. It's like learning a new language!


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I am so sorry you've been diagnosed with breast cancer but welcome to this network.We all help each other here with information and support.You are on a fast learning curve and yes,it's abit like a foreign language at first. Sometimes you are advised to have chemo first and then surgery.The rationale behind this is that your oncologist can see if the chemo chosen for you is actually working and shrinking the bc.I hope your doctors talked it through with you and explained their reasons.I had a mastectomy 3 years ago and THEN I had chemo.I must say I wanted the cancer out as soon as possible.This was my second bout of bc in the same breast.I had a lumpectomy and radiation in 2003 but bc came back 7 years later. I had the same pathology as you each time.I am on Tamoxifen now and sort of tolerating it. Chemo was by far,the hardest of the  treatments.Ask any questions here and ask your oncologist questions because you need to feel confident in him/her and your treatment.It is a very scary time for you and you are probably still in abit of shock.Hopefully,you have good family support because there will be days when you have trouble getting out of bed.Your pic profile is lovely and your little one looks so young.This breaks my heart to see young mothers have to go through this crap journey.It's so unfair and there are many like you on this network. Sending hugs.

                                      Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I am so sorry you've been diagnosed with breast cancer but welcome to this network.We all help each other here with information and support.You are on a fast learning curve and yes,it's abit like a foreign language at first. Sometimes you are advised to have chemo first and then surgery.The rationale behind this is that your oncologist can see if the chemo chosen for you is actually working and shrinking the bc.I hope your doctors talked it through with you and explained their reasons.I had a mastectomy 3 years ago and THEN I had chemo.I must say I wanted the cancer out as soon as possible.This was my second bout of bc in the same breast.I had a lumpectomy and radiation in 2003 but bc came back 7 years later. I had the same pathology as you each time.I am on Tamoxifen now and sort of tolerating it. Chemo was by far,the hardest of the  treatments.Ask any questions here and ask your oncologist questions because you need to feel confident in him/her and your treatment.It is a very scary time for you and you are probably still in abit of shock.Hopefully,you have good family support because there will be days when you have trouble getting out of bed.Your pic profile is lovely and your little one looks so young.This breaks my heart to see young mothers have to go through this crap journey.It's so unfair and there are many like you on this network. Sending hugs.

                                      Tonya xx

  • Elizabby
    Elizabby Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Thanks, yes my daughter was about 9 months I think when this pic was taken. She's 3yo now.

    I just want the surgery too, I want it out. I need a complete mastectomy anyway (large primary) so there's no question of lumpectomy so I think they should just go ahead and do it.

    But my hubby is a doctor and he and my oncologist have agreed that this is the best course of treatment for me. I'm still in shock really, I don't think I'm making clear decisions at the moment.

    From what I've read the radiotherapy is pretty awful as well, but I'm just focusing on getting through the chemo for now.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Eliza,

    It sounds like you have some great support around you during this tough time and a beautiful family to keep you smiling :-) If you need a hand finding your way around just shout.

    In the mean time you might find the 'Newly diagnosed' section of our website helpful or 'Join the Young Pink Sister group' as Louise mentioned above and view some of the past blog post - one in particular -- ' you know your on chemo when.....'


  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015
    Hey Karenyahooooooo congrats for making it through your last radiotherapy.  It is such a wonderful wonderful feeling to have it all behind you and to be able to look forward.  Please continiue to take it easy and look after yourself as your immune system will still be low and you will still be prone to pick up bugs as I know.Well done, onwards and upwards.Lots of love always, Mich xoxo
  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015
    Hey ElizaWelcome to BCNA and to a great group of people who are here to help you in any way shape or form.  We would very much love to support your through your travels on this rollercoaster you have found yourself on.  We are good at giving advice when asked for. We are also a great ear to listen when you have something to say and just need to get it out there.  So please use us and everything there is to do with BCNA. This is a great online blog site for you.  There is also so much info in the form of My Journey Kit and lots of other resources available.  I am not sure where I would be without it.You are between a rock and a hard place aren't you.  You just wanting surgery to get this bloody cancer out and yet the medical field are telling you otherwise.  Have you talked to hubby about how you feel and your current fears and anxiety?  Will that help?  I am sure they only have your very best of interest at heart sweety but it is a tough one for you.It is all so overwhelming getting this diagnosis and then the road ahead of you.  If I can suggest just take it one hour at a time and if you are lucky one day at a time.  Call on all the love and especially the support that you have around you to help with your precious lil one and the housework, ironing, washing etc. which are all the yukky things that get us females down at a time like this.  If worse comes to work employ a cleaner to come in and do what you can't do for a while.  Me being me would have found that very hard as I am such an independent and strong person (most of the time) but when I look back now I wish to god I had accepted help or seeked help as I needed it.We are all thinking of you one this site and willing you to be as well as possible and hoping you have a kind ride along the way.Come back for a chat, vent, advice or whatever any time.Lots of love always, Mich xoxo
  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015
    Hey ElizaWelcome to BCNA and to a great group of people who are here to help you in any way shape or form.  We would very much love to support your through your travels on this rollercoaster you have found yourself on.  We are good at giving advice when asked for. We are also a great ear to listen when you have something to say and just need to get it out there.  So please use us and everything there is to do with BCNA. This is a great online blog site for you.  There is also so much info in the form of My Journey Kit and lots of other resources available.  I am not sure where I would be without it.You are between a rock and a hard place aren't you.  You just wanting surgery to get this bloody cancer out and yet the medical field are telling you otherwise.  Have you talked to hubby about how you feel and your current fears and anxiety?  Will that help?  I am sure they only have your very best of interest at heart sweety but it is a tough one for you.It is all so overwhelming getting this diagnosis and then the road ahead of you.  If I can suggest just take it one hour at a time and if you are lucky one day at a time.  Call on all the love and especially the support that you have around you to help with your precious lil one and the housework, ironing, washing etc. which are all the yukky things that get us females down at a time like this.  If worse comes to work employ a cleaner to come in and do what you can't do for a while.  Me being me would have found that very hard as I am such an independent and strong person (most of the time) but when I look back now I wish to god I had accepted help or seeked help as I needed it.We are all thinking of you one this site and willing you to be as well as possible and hoping you have a kind ride along the way.Come back for a chat, vent, advice or whatever any time.Lots of love always, Mich xoxo
  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Mich. So that's why I have been blowing my nose for last 3 weeks!
    Am treating myself with a doughnut and a new beanie
  • SueVR
    SueVR Member Posts: 41
    edited March 2015
    Hi - I had my Chemo first then my masectomy, I start radiation today.  Unlike you I had triple negative BC, which means that Chemo is your only option.  I was also Stage 3 with very agressive tumors, I had 10 in all ranging from 2cm to 5cm.  The best news I got was that I had a complete pathological response to the chemo so when they did surgery their was only dead cancer cells found.I know how you feel wanting the cancer gone, but you need to rely on what your specialists are telling you.  I had 16 rounds of chemo over 4.5 months - it was brutal but definately doable.  It is the end result that you are aiming for, how you go about it is not as important.  Good luck   Sue