feeling down

Hi Mel,I could not see your post for this one?Julia0
Hi Mel,I could not see your post for this one?Julia0
feeling so down and out with his lot of chemo feeling useless around my house cant even do dinner some nights or spend quality time with kids doing stuff they want. over all am feeling really shitty , and also there being no actual cure for my cancer just hoping it will shrink is also putting extra pressure on the whole family. am thinking why me a lot wich i didnt the first time i got diagnosed just cant seem to get on top of things and the pain does not help. Just need something to pick me up and cant find that thing. Feeling down and grumpy all the time makes everyones life miserable and that is the last thing i want to do. My partner does not really want to talk or listen to me moan about things so i seem to keep everything bottled in and then i just loose it and break down i am the one that has all this stuff rolling around in my head including there being no good outcome atm making me very sad inside but i just have to suck it up and get on with it as best i can ......
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Hi Mel, so sorry to hear you are feeling really down. It's ok to feel this way, vent and let your feelings out as much as you like on this website. Have you thought about contacting the Cancer Council Helpline in your state? I recently contacted the Think Pink Foundation because I needed to talk to someone and spoke to a breast care nurse who was fantastic. Regards Cheryle0
Hi Mel, so sorry to hear you are feeling really down. It's ok to feel this way, vent and let your feelings out as much as you like on this website. Have you thought about contacting the Cancer Council Helpline in your state? I recently contacted the Think Pink Foundation because I needed to talk to someone and spoke to a breast care nurse who was fantastic. Regards Cheryle0
Feeling so rotten,down and grumpy must be so frustrating and debilitating for you.Don't add "mother guilt" as well.Your family will understand and if they don't then they'll just ride it out.Is your pain due to this chemo? Maybe you need better meds and/or some counselling with the hospital psychologist?? You probably just want to hide under the doona while you are feeling so awful but when you can,grab all the help that you are entitled to.You have alot on your plate to deal with and you shouldn't have to just"suck it up"or bottle it all up. Come back here to vent your feelings if it helps.At least your pink sisters have some idea of what you are going through. Tonya xx
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Feeling so rotten,down and grumpy must be so frustrating and debilitating for you.Don't add "mother guilt" as well.Your family will understand and if they don't then they'll just ride it out.Is your pain due to this chemo? Maybe you need better meds and/or some counselling with the hospital psychologist?? You probably just want to hide under the doona while you are feeling so awful but when you can,grab all the help that you are entitled to.You have alot on your plate to deal with and you shouldn't have to just"suck it up"or bottle it all up. Come back here to vent your feelings if it helps.At least your pink sisters have some idea of what you are going through. Tonya xx
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Hey MelCertainly sounds like you are doing it tough luvy and I feel for you. I wish that magic wand of mine could do the trick for you. It is so unfair we have to deal with so much day to day stuff on top of dealing with trying our darndest to get rid of this crappy BC or at least bring it under control which it sounds like you are trying to do.Partners just don't know how to deal with these things unfortunately but lean on him where ever and whenever you can and that goes for family, friends, all kind of loved ones. That is one of the reasons why we have them is so they can support us through the tough times, not only the good times.You are allowed to feel grumpy at this time and down and out and unable to keep the house the way you would like it and that is when your partner, family and support should be stepping up to help but if not then ask for their help and if it is not forthcoming then call on someone from Cancer Council who can offer some support. They are there to talk to when you need an ear but they can help in other ways so let them know your problems/issues and I am sure they can offer some suggestions.I am so glad you have wanted to come on here and vent cause we all understand in our own way and feel for you every inch of your journey. Please come back on and share with us what you need to share and hopefully we can help just by being here for you.Thinking of you and wishing you well but please just know we are here for you when you need us.Lots of love always, Mich xoxo0
when you get told that our life span is 4 to 7 years and i have a 5 and 8 year old it just devistates me every one expects me to go along all happily when i just cant
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So when cancer really hits you like a tonne of bricks and years turn into months it is very hard to take My two young children are the hardest hit I am going to miss them so much my dr have given me months now it was years. My life has been turned upside down everything has changed, It seems that nothing else matters except family, and what we do together, we are going to the gold coast and thanks to my lovely town that i live in whom have raised lots of money to help with our trip as well as angel flight who are flying us cant wait to see the special smiles on my kids faces it will be the most special thing.