
Mich x
Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
edited May 2013 in Community news and events

Hey girls

I live both near Midland and also 400klms away. So I do a bit of tooing and froing.  My biggest draw card is in Perth which are my precious grandchildren of which I have three.   I have had the pleasure of meeting lovely Vicki when we both attended the Community Liaison course in April in Melbourne.  Her and I have stayed in contact and as my profile pic shows we did a pink bun morning at one of the local shopping centres which was lots of fun

I am sure you are all sick of seeing my name on the online blogs where I am an online champion.  I love being able to give support and advice where possible to anyone who needs it.  I was so grateful for this site when I was very new to BC which was back in end of November 2011.  I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy followed by a total axillary clearance.  They were unable to get a full clearance around the tumor and there were nodes involved so I had 6 chemo cycles and 7 weeks of radiotherapy.  I have just been going thru a scary time over last 4 months thinking I had inflammatory breast cancer of the same breast to just recently be given a full bill of health following a PET scan so no cancer to be seen in my body thank goodness.

I will be attending the BCNA Summit in August this year.

I hope you are all travelling well and are happy in your lives.

Mich xoxo