
Juicing is a new adventure! For the first week after treatment I prefer soft foods - baby that I am! So I prepare soups and freeze them. Tim has started researching juicing. Today's speciality was Beetroot Slammers. Last time it was a fruit smoothie. And... chemo day I get flowers! Such a lucky girl. My man is so caring and supportive. Sigh... Notice the drug bucket next to the flowers!
Beetroot Slammer
- 2 apples
- 8 large carrots
- 1 raw beetroot
- ginger (about 3cm sq)
- 2 limes (peeled)
Juice then blend.
Fruit Smoothie
- 2 oranges
- 2 bananas
- 16 strawberries
This is done just in the blender.
My husband makes me juice every morning, and believe me it helps as I find if I rush out of bed I get terribly nausious. I too found that for the 1st week I really ate very little but what I did tolerate was very light meals and soup gets the fluid in so its a good one.
I also liked Frosty Fruit icy poles, they became an additcion I think.'
Funny on the drugs the 2nd draw in my bathroom had my blood pressure tablets and vitimins previously, now it looks like a pharmacy.
Love the flowers, what a sweet man. its the small gestures that count really isn't it?