
joleeh5 Member Posts: 88
edited November 2010 in Day to day

Good Morning All,

Well I have had a few down days on this hellish roller coaster. Anyway the sun is shining and I am feeling more positive today. I will try and take in some Vitamin D today (apparently helps with chemo).

I also wanted to share some amazing news.

I have thanked everyone and felt like I had a new family because nobody can help,relate or sympathize as much as someone who has been through BC.

However, never did I know how true that was. I recently pieced together That The Gorgeous, caring, giving Tanya is a second cousin by marriage. Im very proud to call her my Family. I see the way she reaches out to everyone as she did to me. Fate works in miraculous ways and Im thankful for the BCNA that brought her to me.

Have a lovely day everyone cheers Jo xoxo

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  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015

    Awww you are just too lovely.  I thought you were great before I knew we were family.

    BCNA has bought me many great friends and has just added a very special friend in you.

    You will look back on your cancer experience in say 10, 20, even .30 years time and whilst it is a scary time now you will look at all the good that it bought to your life (including some new crazy family members).


    Take care and I will talk soon.


    Tanya xx

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    You guys!  That is absolutely amazing news -- what a great way to find each other. :)

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    You guys!  That is absolutely amazing news -- what a great way to find each other. :)

  • brissie lyn
    brissie lyn Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2015


    Good luck with the chemo! I think I had a similar op to you - lateral excision and sentinel node biopsy. But no chemo for me, I am in the middle of radiation.  I would like to see your notes on your diagnosis but that info is not shared by you. Lynx

  • Penni
    Penni Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2015

    Hello again Jo - sorry, have not signed into this site for over a month I think.  Soon to change!

    Anyway, I would like to mirror Tanya's and your reflections of each other from 3 November posts.  Tanya is astonishing in her advice, support, network capabilities and generally as the "crazy woman"! he he Tanya!

    With respect to your chemo - have you commenced?  If so, when?  Was your sentinnel lymphnode affected?  I had what was termed a wide local exision laterally orientated to remove my tumour that was 24mm in diameter.  My lymphnodes were not affected by the cancer upon biopsy, which I believe is a significant bonus!  In saying this, I still have a lot of questions I need answers to based on pathology, that I have deliberately delayed pending uni completion. 

    I genuinely hope you are coping with your situation, if you ever need assistance or someone to talk to, please feel free to ask / request - I will not post my mobile here but will provide if direct communication works better for you. 

    I will share more of my personal experiences and knowledge relating to my treatment, following on from my last post, next week - FYI - if you are feeling that I have over-compensated communication today!

    Look after yourself and hope to converse with you in the near future.

    Kind regards


  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015

    Awwwwwwwwwww Penni, thanks for your kind words (head is swelling as we speak!!!).  And thanks for offering support to my cussie bro, how weird is it that we met through cancer.  I can feel a story for "That's Life" magazine coming on here.  Maybe we get on to that before Jo loses her hair...................mmmmmmmm  Gotta look our glamorous bests!!!

    I do hope treatment is treating you kindly.

    Tan xx

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