After Chemo Finishes

3 weeks later and it feels like one week later for me! I am exhausted and having afternoon 2 hour sleeps. I have enough energy to stroll for 15 or 20 mins and not doing all the housework like I would have normally by this stage. I have had an issue with my lungs and noted a difference in breathing a deep breath. Felt like Id been for a run, its weird. Dr said its a common side effect. There wasnt a chapter on "After the Last Chemo" and I guess thats because every-one is so different. So for me not to care about the housework and to not care its been a month since I had a coffee with any-one and not be bothered to pick up the phone, its a sign. The biggest sign Im not recovering as quickly is, Im not picking on my husband yet, and Im not annoyed by the layer of dust! I am ok to sit out the front and just read, or think doing the dishes is a great achievement for the day. First week I was quite emotional, and grumpy, that seems to have passed for now. Wow were they right when they said "You may be surprised how tired you get at the end of Chemo!" SURPRISE! Rad is due on the 20th of May. Love Bel