That was Easter

Hi to the local Tasmanians! I have been living here for almost 1 year now and have found it to be a beautiful part of Australia. The weather is a little "dippy", but hey, take a look at what they get else-where, and they complain about our Winter! We have been smart and rented a house on a big property out at Swan Bay, and are currently enjoying a great luxury, piece and quiet and a rural setting, surrounded by millionaires no doubt! 5 months ago, I got Breat Cancer, and wow has that time flown by. It has given me a chance, for the first time in 25 years, stop and smell the roses, and to be stress free from most things. So that was Easter, we didnt eat chocolate, but I snuck in a few hot cross buns, and one coffee a day. Thank god for Nexium and how it has made digesting food do-able, and wow Day 10 since chemo is a whole different thing. Still a bit slow with the energy, and spending my time teaching myself how to paint, reading and watching silly stuff on TV. But just wanted to say hello and hope you all are managing ok! X Bel McKenna