Happy Easter

Josie13 Member Posts: 79
edited March 2013 in Day to day
Hope you are enjoying the easter break, it's a good time to catch up with friends and watch a few movies maybe. At least the weather is getting cooler as I like the changing seasons, a reminder of time passing! Have had an excrutiating nerve pain in my hip and leg so was getting pretty worried. Turns out wearing high heels to two parties in a row is not a good idea and have aggravated the nerve root.....ouchy! It's a bit dispiriting not even to be able to wear some spunky heels out and about! Anyway got onto some steroids and all under control which is a relief. Had some scans though which show some small increase in lung lesions which is a bit disappointing so back to the drawing board. Funnily enough my breathing feels fine so trying to be calm and think good thoughts. I am now going to sign up for the MDC which I do every year with a tribe of great friends. I really encourage everyone to do it as I find it very uplifting to think all these peple care and have been touch by BC. I'm going to do cake baking today so need to get cracking. I finally used the fruit I had soakng from Christmas yesterday and it's the best fruit cake ever!!!